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tutorial是什么意思 tutorial的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-14 11:18:48
  • 55



1. I watched a tutorial on YouTube to learn how to make a paper crane.(我在YouTube上观看了一个教程,学会了如何折纸鹤。)

2. This tutorial explains how to create a budget in Excel.(这个教程解释了如何在Excel中创建预算。)

3. I attended a tutorial on how to use Photoshop at the local community center.(我在当地社区中心参加了一次关于如何使用Photoshop的辅导。)

4. The website offers a step-by-step tutorial for setting up your email account.(该网站提供了逐步指导的教程,帮助您设置电子邮件帐户。)

5. The tutorial provided by the software was very helpful in teaching me how to edit videos.(软件提供的教程在教我如何编辑视频方面非常有帮助。)

6. Our teacher recommended that we watch a tutorial on the topic before taking the quiz.(我们老师建议我们在参加测验前观看这个主题的教程。)

7. The tutorial I found online showed me how to cook the perfect steak.(我在网上找到的教程向我展示了如何煮出完美的牛排。)

8. The company provides a tutorial for new employees to learn about the company's policies and procedures.(公司针对新员工提供了一个教程,帮助他们了解公司的政策和流程。)

9. The tutorial center at my school offers free tutoring in math and science.(我学校的辅导中心提供免费的数学和科学辅导。)

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