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Ward Cunningham是什么意思 Ward Cunningham的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-14 11:18:25
  • 20

Ward Cunningham是美国的一个人名。

Ward Cunningham是计算机领域的重要人物,他在1994年发明了Wiki技术,这是一种协作式编辑网站内容的方式,如今在互联网上广泛应用。

以下是含有Ward Cunningham的例句:

1. Ward Cunningham 是经典的模式识别教材的共同作者之一。

(Ward Cunningham is one of the co-authors of a classic pattern recognition textbook.)

2. Ward Cunningham 是编程语言学家和研究人员,也是软件开发领域的重要人物。

(Ward Cunningham is a programming language designer and researcher, and an important figure in software development.)

3. Wiki 技术是 Ward Cunningham 在1994年发明的,如今已经成为一种常用的协作式编辑方式。

(Wiki technology was invented by Ward Cunningham in 1994, and is now a commonly used collaborative editing method.)

4. Ward Cunningham 是一个活跃的开源社区成员,他一直致力于推动开放源代码的发展和普及。

(Ward Cunningham is an active member of the open source community, and has always been committed to promoting the development and popularization of open source code.)

5. Ward Cunningham 曾经是一名教师,他深入浅出的讲解风格受到了很多学生的喜爱。

(Ward Cunningham was once a teacher, and his clear and concise teaching style is loved by many students.)

6. Ward Cunningham 的思想对软件工程的发展产生了深远的影响,许多开发者都受益于他的经验和见解。

(Ward Cunningham's ideas have had a profound impact on the development of software engineering, and many developers have benefited from his experience and insights.)

7. Ward Cunningham 是一个很有创意的人,他的创意和想法常常能够启发人们思考和创新。

(Ward Cunningham is a very creative person, and his ideas and thoughts often inspire people to think and innovate.)

8. Ward Cunningham 发明了 Wiki 技术,这种协作式编辑方式极大地改善了人们的协作效率。

(Ward Cunningham invented Wiki technology, which greatly improves people's cooperation efficiency through collaborative editing.)

9. Ward Cunningham 的贡献受到了计算机领域的广泛认可,他在软件开发和协作方面的经验和见解也为人们的工作带来了很大的帮助。

(Ward Cunningham's contributions are widely recognized in the computer field, and his experience and insights in software development and collaboration have greatly helped people's work.)

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