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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-05-20 13:43:08
  • 934



English Writing Extension







Writing is an integral part of English learning. When we write compositions, we need to apply various knowledge, such as grammar, vocabulary, sentence structure, and logical thinking. However, sometimes we may encounter essay topics that are too abstract, and our thoughts are not clear. At this time, we need to perfect the article by continuing to write.

Extension refers to continuing to write on the basis of existing articles, stories, or plots. This not only exercises our language expression ability but also improves our thinking ability. In the process of extension, we need to pay attention to the following points:

First, understand the existing article. Before continuing to write, we need to have a clear understanding of the existing article or plot so that we can expand our imagination and thoughts on the original basis.

Second, pay attention to the coherence of language. In the process of extension, we need to maintain the language style and coherence of the original article. If our language style and coherence are inconsistent with the original text, readers are likely to feel abrupt.

Third, pay attention to the handling of the ending. In the last paragraph of the extension, we need to end the article appropriately and make the reader feel satisfied. The handling of the ending is also a test of our mastery of the overall framework of the article.

Improving articles by continuing to write can not only improve our writing level but also increase our thinking ability and creativity. In our daily learning, we can try to continue to write some existing articles or stories, which can help us better understand and apply our knowledge.


Continuing the English Essay 续写英语作文

One sunny morning, Sarah woke up early feeling excited. It was the day of the much-antited school field trip to the zoo. After getting ready, she rushed downstairs to have breakfast with her family.


As the school bus reached the zoo, Sarah and her classmates eagerly jumped off the bus and made their way inside. Upon entering, they were greeted by the marvelous sight of various animals in their habitats. Sarah's eyes led with delight as she saw the majestic lions, playful monkeys, and graceful giraffes.


The group was led by a knowledgeable zookeeper who explained interesting facts about each animal they encountered. Sarah listened attentively, taking mental notes and soaking in every bit of information. The zookeeper's passion for wildlife inspired Sarah to further explore the world of animals.


After the guided tour, the group had some free time to explore the zoo on their own. Sarah's curiosity led her to the reptile house where she marveled at the slithering snakes and colorful lizards. She even had the opportunity to hold a friendly python named Charlie. It was an experience she would never forget.


As the day came to an end, Sarah and her classmates gathered near the exit for a final group photo. Their smiles were a reflection of the wonderful memories they had created at the zoo. Sarah couldn't wait to share her experience with her family and friends.


The school bus journey back was filled with excited chatter and laughter as everyone reminisced about their favorite animals and moments of the day. Sarah leaned back in her seat, savoring the memories of her incredible zoo adventure.


The zoo trip had ignited a passion for wildlife within Sarah. She couldn't wait to explore more about animals and maybe even become a zoologist one day. With this new dream in her heart, Sarah bid farewell to the zoo, knowing that she would always cherish the memories made on that special day.


Although the day had come to an end, Sarah's love for animals was just beginning.


Word Count: 350 words 词数:350字

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