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Effigia是什么意思 Effigia的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-24 01:46:04
  • 893



1. Effigia regis在城市中心矗立,代表着国王的权力。(拉丁语:Effigia regis stands in the center of the city, representing the king's power.)

2. 教堂门口的Effigia sancti代表着圣徒的神圣。(拉丁语:Effigia sancti at the entrance of the church represents the sanctity of the saint.)

3. 领袖的Effigia被人们烧毁了。(拉丁语:Effigia of the revolutionary leader was burned by the people.)

4. 这个城镇为了纪念其创立者,在广场上竖起了一座Effigia。(拉丁语:The town erected an effigia on the square in honor of its founder.)

5. Effigia dea象征着女神的美丽和力量。(拉丁语:Effigia dea symbolizes the beauty and power of the goddess.)

6. 画家用Effigia來描绘国家的象征。(拉丁语:The painter used effigia to depict the symbol of the nation.)

7. 该博物馆收藏了许多古代英雄的Effigia。(拉丁语:The museum has a collection of effigia of many ancient heroes.)

8. Effigia animalium在文艺复兴时期受到了很大的关注。(拉丁语:Effigia animalium received a lot of attention during the Renaissance.)

9. 这个城市的市民们每年都会在市中心庆祝他们的城市,而Effigia civitatis则是庆祝的一个标志。(拉丁语:The citizens of the city celebrate their city every year in the city center, and effigia civitatis is a symbol of the celebration.)

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