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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-11 05:43:56
  • 438

关于”一件让我难忘的事“的英语作文模板3篇,作文题目:One thing I will never forget。以下是关于一件让我难忘的事的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:One thing I will never forget

One day, my mother said to me, "I love your son". That day, I was very happy. I went to school at 6:00 p.m.

and my father came back. There was a big cake on the table. I asked him, "why can I eat cake?" my father replied, "Noam should eat it first." "why?" I asked again, "because today is your mother's birthday." then I thought of my mother saying "I" Love you "is mom's birthday in the morning, but I don't know.

She said" I love you "to me.




Last week, I met a stray dog while walking in the neighborhood. It was a cold day, no one stopped around, he looked at me helplessly, I thought what a poor dog it was, and then I decided to take it home. I gave him some food and drink to play with him, but I knew that he seemed a little sad.

He missed his master very much. What could I do? I came up with an idea, and then with the help of my father, I was at the door of our community I am very happy to see the dog and its owner go home together. I am proud to be able to help others.




One day, my mother said to me, "I love your son". I was very happy that day. I went to school at 6:00 p.m.

and my father came back. There was a big cake on the table I asked him "why I can eat cake"; "why" I asked "because today is your mother's birthday"; "I remember my mother said" I love you "to me in the morning;" that day was Mom Mom's birthday, but I don't know, she said to me, "I love you"; "no, unforgettable".


有一天,妈妈对我说“我爱你儿子”,那天我很开心,下午六点就去上学了,我回家了爸爸也回来了,桌上有一个大蛋糕 我问他“为什么有蛋糕我可以吃”;“为什么”我又问了一次“因为今天是妈的生日”;“我记得妈妈早上对我说“我爱你”;“那天是妈妈的生日,不知道,她对我说“我爱你”;“不,难忘”。

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