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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-11-15 02:34:18
  • 167

1. 词汇翻译:清明节的英语翻译即为Tomb Sweeping Day。

2. 背景介绍:清明节是中国传统节日之一,通常在每年的4月4日至6日之间,主要是祭祀祖先和扫墓。在中国,人们会回家扫墓祭祖,献上鲜花和食品,表达对先人的敬仰之情。

3. 文化渊源:清明节起源于中国古代时期,是由古代先民祭祀祖先的活动演变而来的。在这个传统节日中,人们传承祭祀祖先的文化,弘扬中华民族的传统美德。

4. 比较翻译:与清明节类似的节日还有日本的“寒中水泳节”和韩国的“扫墓节”,其中韩国的扫墓节与中国的清明节非常相似,也是祭扫祖先和祈求平安的节日。


1. 我们家庭每年清明节都会一起回家扫墓祭祖。(My family always go back home together to sweep tombs and offer sacrifices to our ancestors during the Qingming Festival every year.)

2. 清明节是中国的传统节日,通常在每年4月4日至6日之间,人们会回家扫墓,献上鲜花和食品。(Qingming Festival is a traditional Chinese festival, usually falling between April 4th to 6th every year, when people go back home to sweep tombs and offer fresh flowers and food.)

3. 在清明节期间,人们不仅祭祀祖先,还会进行各种文化活动,如扫墓、植树和飞鹰等。(During the Qingming Festival, people not only offer sacrifices to their ancestors, but also partite in various cultural activities such as tomb sweeping, tree planting and flying kites.)

4. 外国人来中国旅游时,如果能够体验一下清明节的文化,会更加了解中国人的传统文化和价值观。(Foreigners who travel to China can better understand the traditional culture and values of Chinese people if they can experience the culture of the Qingming Festival.)

5. 清明节是一个传统的祭祀节日,也是表达我们对先人的敬仰之情的时刻,我们应该珍惜并继承这种文化传统。(The Qingming Festival is a traditional festival for offering sacrifices to our ancestors, as well as a time to show our respect to them. We should cherish and inherit this cultural tradition.)

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