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air guitar是什么意思 air guitar的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-06-15 03:36:02
  • 59

'air guitar'是英语单词,翻译成中文是“空气吉他”。这个词语指的是一种模仿弹奏吉他动作的表演形式,但实际上并没有真正的乐器存在。常用于音乐演出、比赛、派对等娱乐活动中,可以展示参与者的音乐才华和个性特色。


1. I love to play air guitar when my favorite rock song comes on. (当我最喜欢的摇滚歌曲播放时,我喜欢玩空气吉他。)

2. He is a master of air guitar, he can perform any song with just his imaginary instrument. (他是空气吉他的大师,只凭想象就能演奏任何一首歌。)

3. The air guitar championship is held annually, and it attracts partints from all over the world. (空气吉他锦标赛每年都会举办,来自世界各地的选手都会前来参赛。)

4. She won first prize in the air guitar competition with her stunning performance. (她以出色的表演荣获了空气吉他比赛的第一名。)

5. I don't have a guitar,但是我仍然可以用空气吉他弹出音乐。)

6. The audience went wild when the lead singer started playing air guitar during the concert. (当主唱在音乐会上开始玩空气吉他时,观众们疯狂了。)

7. She always has her air guitar with her, just in case she needs to perform. (她总是随身携带空气吉他,以备不时之需。)

8. The air guitar routine was the highlight of the talent show, and it got a standing ovation from the audience. (空气吉他演出是才艺展示的亮点,观众都起立为之鼓掌。)

9. He teaches air guitar lessons online, and his students love his fun and creative teaching style. (他在网上教授空气吉他课程,他的学生都喜欢他有趣创新的教学方式。)

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