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silex是什么意思 silex的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-14 11:20:54
  • 109




1. Silex blades were used extensively in prehistoric times for hunting and cutting.(燧石刀片在史前被广泛用于狩猎和切割。)

2. The ancient Egyptians used silex to make knives and other sharp tools.(古埃及人使用燧石制作刀子和其他锋利的工具。)

3. Flint and steel were commonly used for starting fires before the invention of matches.(在火柴发明之前,燧石和钢常用于点火。)

4. The archaeologists found a cache of silex arrowheads at the site of the ancient battle.(考古学家在古战场遗址上发现了一批燧石箭头。)

5. The museum has an impressive collection of silex tools from different cultures around the world.(博物馆展示了来自世界各地不同文化的精美燧石工具。)

6. The flintlock rifle was one of the most popular firearms of the 18th century.(燧发枪是18世纪最流行的火器之一。)

7. The stone axe head was attached to the wooden handle using silex chips.(石斧头用燧石屑固定在木制手柄上。)

8. The prehistoric cave paintings were made using natural pigments and silex tools.(史前洞穴壁画使用天然颜料和燧石工具完成。)

9. The spark from the silex made a small flame that quickly grew into a roaring fire.(从燧石产生的火花引发了一小团火,很快变成了熊熊烈火。)

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