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Betula alleghaniensis是什么意思 Betula alleghaniensis的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-14 11:31:16
  • 117

'Betula alleghaniensis'是拉丁语,代表一种植物——美国桦。它是在北美洲东部的山区发现的一种桦树。


1. Betula alleghaniensis is often used in reforestation projects.(美国桦常常被用于重新造林的项目中。)

2. The wood of Betula alleghaniensis is commonly used for furniture and hardwood flooring.(美国桦的木材通常用于制作家具和硬木地板。)

3. The leaves of Betula alleghaniensis turn a beautiful yellow in the fall.(美国桦的叶子在秋天变成了漂亮的。)

4. Betula alleghaniensis is known for its attractive bark, which peels off in thin layers.(美国桦因其有吸引力的树皮而著名,树皮可脱落成薄层。)

5. The range of Betula alleghaniensis extends from Georgia to Maine.(美国桦的分布范围从乔治亚州到缅因州。)

6. Betula alleghaniensis is a popular choice for landscaping due to its graceful shape and fall color.(美国桦因其优美的形状和秋季的颜色而成为园艺景观设计的热门选择。)

7. Betula alleghaniensis can grow up to 24 meters tall.(美国桦可以长到24米高。)

8. The roots of Betula alleghaniensis help prevent erosion and improve soil stability.(美国桦的根系有助于防止侵蚀和改善土壤稳定性。)

9. The twigs of Betula alleghaniensis are often used in traditional medicine to treat various ailments.(美国桦的嫩枝通常用于传统医学中治疗各种疾病。)

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