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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-20 11:51:36
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关于”常用句子“的英语作文模板5篇,作文题目:Common Sentences。以下是关于常用句子的中考英语模板,每篇作文均为真题模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Common Sentences

English Composition Commonly Used Sentences

1. In my opinion, it is crucial to…


2. Firstly, it is worth mentioning that…


3. It is widely believed that…


4. On one hand, … On the other hand,…


5. It is undeniable that…


6. There is no doubt that…


7. Taking everything into account,…


8. It goes without saying that…


9. As far as I know…


10. However, it is worth noting that…


11. Another key point to consider is…


12. From my perspective…


13. It is universally accepted that…


14. Based on the above ysis,…


15. Therefore, it can be concluded that…


16. In conclusion, it can be said that…


17. Moreover,…


18. Additionally,…


19. Furthermore,…


20. Nevertheless,…



These are some commonly used English composition sentences that can help you express your ideas and organize your essay effectively. By using these sentences, your composition will become more fluent, accurate, and logical. Hope this can be helpful for your English writing!


1. In my opinion, 从我个人来看

2. It is widely believed that, 普遍认为

3. It goes without saying that, 不言而喻的是

4. It is universally acknowledged that, 人们普遍认为

5. It is commonly believed that, 人们普遍认为

6. It is well known that, 众所周知

7. It is generally accepted that, 一般认为

8. It is obvious that, 很明显

9. From my perspective, 从我的角度来看

10. There is no doubt that, 毫无疑问的是

11. It is true that, 的确

12. It cannot be denied that, 不可否认的是

13. It is worth mentioning that, 值得一提的是

14. It is important to note that, 值得注意的是

15. It is essential that, 至关重要的是

16. It is necessary to, 必要的是

17. It is crucial to, 非常重要的是

18. It is advisable to, 建议的是

19. It is significant that, 很重要的是

20. It is regrettable that, 遗憾的是

1. In my opinion, we should protect the environment together. 从我个人来看,我们应该共同保护环境。

2. It is widely believed that studying hard leads to success. 普遍认为,努力学习会带来成功。

3. It goes without saying that honesty is the best policy. 不言而喻的是,诚实是最好的策略。

4. It is universally acknowledged that learning a foreign language is beneficial. 人们普遍认为学习一门外语是有益的。

5. It is commonly believed that exercise is important for maintaining good health. 人们普遍认为锻炼对于保持良好的健康很重要。

6. It is well known that smoking is harmful to our health. 众所周知,吸烟对我们的健康有害。

7. It is generally accepted that education plays a crucial role in one's future success. 一般认为教育在一个人的未来成功中起着关键作用。

8. It is obvious that technology has changed the way we live. 很明显,技术改变了我们的生活方式。

9. From my perspective, traveling broadens our horizons. 从我的角度来看,旅行开阔了我们的视野。

10. There is no doubt that reading is beneficial for intellectual development. 毫无疑问的是,阅读对于智力发展有益。

11. It is true that hard work is the key to success. 的确,努力工作是成功的关键。

12. It cannot be denied that social media has a great impact on people's daily lives. 不可否认的是,社交媒体对人们的日常生活有很大的影响。

13. It is worth mentioning that learning a musical instrument can improve cognitive abilities. 值得一提的是,学习一种乐器可以提高认知能力。

14. It is important to note that time management is essential for achieving goals. 值得注意的是,时间管理对于实现目标至关重要。

15. It is essential that we take immediate action to address climate change. 至关重要的是,我们立即采取行动解决气候变化问题。

16. It is necessary to protect endangered species from extinction. 必要的是保护濒临灭绝的物种。

17. It is crucial to develop critical thinking skills in students. 非常重要的是培养学生的批判性思维能力。

18. It is advisable to practice speaking English regularly to improve fluency. 建议经常练习口语来提高流利度。

19. It is significant that we promote cultural diversity and understanding. 很重要的是我们促进文化多样性和理解。

20. It is regrettable that some people still discriminate against others based on their race. 遗憾的是,仍有一些人基于种族对其他人进行歧视。


1. I am writing to inquire about/ask for information about...


2. Thank you for your prompt response/attention.


4. I would appreciate it if you could…


5. I look forward to your reply/response.


6. Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions.


7. Yours sincerely/faithfully,


8. I hope this email/letter finds you well.


9. I am writing to express my concern/opinion about…


10. I would like to request/ask for your assistance/help in…


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