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Telesto是什么意思 Telesto的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-03-13 09:07:18
  • 340



1. Telesto was one of the Oceanids in Greek mythology. (Telesto是希腊神话中的海洋女神之一。)

2. Telesto is a small moon of Saturn. (Telesto是土星的一个小卫星。)

3. The Telesto mission will study Saturn's magnetosphere. (Telesto任务将研究土星的磁层。)

4. The spacecraft captured images of Telesto's suce. (飞船捕捉了Telesto表面的图像。)

5. Telesto was discovered in 1980 by the Voyager 1 spacecraft. (1980年,旅行者1号飞船发现了Telesto。)

6. Telesto is a co-orbital moon of Tethys. (Telesto是忒提斯的共轨卫星。)

7. The Telesto mission was launched in 1983. (Telesto任务于1983年发射。)

8. Telesto is believed to have formed from the debris of a larger moon. (据信Telesto是由一个更大的卫星崩溃形成的碎片。)

9. The Telesto spacecraft was named after the mythological figure. (Telesto飞船以这位神话人物命名。)

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