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vibratil是什么意思 vibratil的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-11 06:29:04
  • 743




1. The vibratil movement of the cilia helps to remove mucus from the lungs.(纤毛的振动运动有助于清除肺部的黏液。)

2. The wings of the hummingbird move in a vibratil motion that allows them to hover in place.(蜂鸟的翅膀以振动的方式运动,使其能够停留在空中。)

3. The vibratil fins of the cuttlefish allow it to quickly change direction and evade predators.(乌贼的振动鳍使其能够快速改变方向,躲避捕食者。)

4. The hair cells in the inner ear are vibratil and respond to sound waves.(内耳的毛细胞是振动的,能够响应声波。)

5. The vibratil tail of the tadpole helps it to swim through the water.(蝌蚪的振动尾巴帮助它在水中游动。)

6. The vibratil movement of the jellyfish's tentacles allows it to capture prey.(海蜇触手的振动运动让它能够捕捉猎物。)

7. The tongue is a highly vibratil organ that helps us to taste our food.(舌头是一个高度振动的器官,帮助我们品尝食物。)

8. The vibratil motion of the violin strings creates beautiful music.(小提琴弦的振动运动创造出美妙的音乐。)

9. The vibratil movement of the coral polyps helps to filter food from the water.(珊瑚虫的振动运动有助于从水中过滤食物。)

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