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Phylloxera vastatrix是什么意思 Phylloxera vastatrix的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-14 11:20:06
  • 71

'Phylloxera vastatrix'是拉丁语,意为“大地蚜”。它是一种寄生虫,可以危害葡萄藤,引起葡萄酒领域的瘟疫。这个词语的常见翻译为“葡萄根蝨”,用法多见于葡萄酒产业。

以下是9个含有“Phylloxera vastatrix”词语的例句:

1. The outbreak of Phylloxera vastatrix in Europe in the late 19th century led to the replanting of vineyards across the continent. (Phylloxera vastatrix在19世纪末在欧洲爆发,导致整个欧洲的葡萄园得重新种植。)

2. Phylloxera vastatrix has devastated many vineyards in California. (Phylloxera vastatrix已经摧毁了加利福尼亚的许多葡萄园。)

3. The spread of Phylloxera vastatrix was a major factor in the decline of France's wine industry in the late 1800s. (Phylloxera vastatrix的传播是19世纪末法国葡萄酒产业衰落的主要因素之一。)

4. Phylloxera vastatrix is a serious threat to vineyards in Australia. (Phylloxera vastatrix对澳大利亚的葡萄园构成严重威胁。)

5. Many vineyards in Italy were destroyed by Phylloxera vastatrix in the early 20th century. (20世纪初,许多意大利的葡萄园被Phylloxera vastatrix摧毁了。)

6. Phylloxera vastatrix can be difficult to detect in the early stages of infestation. (Phylloxera vastatrix在感染的早期阶段很难检测到。)

7. The use of resistant rootstocks has helped to prevent the spread of Phylloxera vastatrix in some vineyards. (使用耐病根茎有助于防止Phylloxera vastatrix在某些葡萄园的传播。)

8. The first recorded outbreak of Phylloxera vastatrix in the United States occurred in Napa Valley in the 1870s. (美国首次记录到的Phylloxera vastatrix爆发发生在19世纪70年代的纳帕谷。)

9. G growers in South Africa have been working to prevent the spread of Phylloxera vastatrix since its discovery in the country in the 1900s. (自从20世纪初发现Phylloxera vastatrix在南非的存在以来,葡萄种植者一直在努力防止其传播。)

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