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下临万丈用英语怎么说 下临万丈英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-08 10:37:28
  • 34



1. sagene

2. forttage

3. land revision survey

下临万丈翻译为land revision survey。

示例:♪ And i want to say, as i survey ♪
♪ And I want to say, as I survey ♪


4. see red

下临万丈翻译为see red。

示例:See the red eye of the scorpion, - the spread wings of the eagle, -
See the red eye of the scorpion the spread wings of the eagle



1. sagene(俄丈)

2. land revision survey(土地复丈)

3. see red(火冒三丈)

4. forttage(临拓)

5. lin chi(临泣)


1. Sometimes you feel it inside... like you're falling down real fast... but you're really just standing still.

译文:有时你会有种感觉 好像坠入万丈深渊 但你其实根本没动。

2. it was scarlet and shone in the dark.


3. Either we can jump into the abyss or, with courage and faith, leap to the other side."

译文:1924年3月德国慕尼黑 我们或许会堕入万丈深渊 也能凭借勇气和信lc走出乱局。

4. "into graceful shafts of light.

译文:落下万丈光芒 我只想纯洁下去。

5. You are the unique king of Aninaya

译文:是高库拉之子 发出万丈光芒。

6. - Burning bright, a star is born

译文:热烈燃烧着 发出万丈光芒 这颗诞生的新星。

7. Why, i can see your name in lights, lights six feet high.

译文:为什么,我能看到你闪闪发光的名字... 光芒万丈...。

8. You just fell a thousand feet.


9. - whatever that means. - any better ideas, smarty-pants?

译文:离题万丈 你有更好的主意。

10. i keep falling down this deep hole


11. There are streaks of light... magical and electrifying.

译文:射出万丈光芒 神奇且刺激。

12. My grandmother said you're going to hell, she says you'll suffer eternal torture of a billion flames, hotter than the center of the Sun.

译文:我奶奶说你要完蛋了 她说你会在万丈火光里忍受永恒的折磨 比太阳还要炽热的火焰。

13. You shine so bright into my heart

译文:# 你光芒万丈 照亮我内心 # # You shine so bright Into my heart #。

14. ♪ Feels he's sinking in the murk


15. # i see my light come shining Come shining #


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