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毫不含糊用英语怎么说 毫不含糊英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-08 10:37:05
  • 39

毫不含糊的英语翻译是"unequivocal",还网络中常译为"in black and white terms",在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到73个与毫不含糊相关的短语释义和例句。


1. unequivocal


Scientists do say very unequivocally what the problem is.


2. in black and white terms

毫不含糊翻译为in black and white terms。

In my opinion the answer is an unequivocal "yes".


3.   unambiguous

毫不含糊翻译为   unambiguous。

Indeed, Bennett's critics have been harshand unequivocal.


4.   in black and white terms

毫不含糊翻译为   in black and white terms。

示例:There is white in black, and black in white.
黑里面有白 白里面也有黑



1. unequivocably( 毫不含糊地)

2. unsinningly( 毫不含糊地)

3. unambiguity(不含糊 )

4. unequivocable(a. 毫不含糊的, 清楚明白的, 明确的)

5. unambiguous(不含糊的 )


sy straightforward Frank ( 毫不含糊的 )

in terms unequivocally ( 毫不含糊地 )

in set terms ( 用毫不含糊的言语 )

refuse in no uncertain terms ( 毫不含糊的垃圾 )

NINCS SEMMI ( 得到毫不含糊的答案是 )


1. She's all right about some things, things like that.

译文:She's all right about some things, things like that. 我知道她不会,在这种事情上她不含糊。

2. it should have been easy in, easy out, but a couple of overachieving security guards decided to play hero.

译文:本该是进出自如的 但几个保安还还挺不含糊 在那里逞英雄。

3. We mean what we say... when we thank you for coming... and we mean it when we say... you can call when you start working.

译文:当我们说'感谢你的光临' 我们毫不含糊 当你开始工作时, 你可以打电话给我们。

4. The music creates clear ambiguity, well thought out in every detail."

译文:但刚好相反,那音乐一点都不含糊 而每个细节都力尽完美"。

5. Just the cable without any bridge deck.


6. But one of the principles is that everybody who is part of the community gets to fight and argue as hard as they can for what they believe.

译文:但这些理念中有一条 即:每一个科学家都会为了他们坚信正确的一切 据理力争,毫不含糊。

7. The press were in no doubt as to who was to blame.

译文:说到谁是罪魁祸首 媒体可一点都不含糊。

8. You shut up Vivian, seriously.


9. You're fine with murdering little boys, but thieving is beneath you?

译文:你杀小男孩毫不含糊 却觉得偷东西低人一等。

10. The contents were rather ue


11. Well, that's not very specific.


12. (Laughter) All right, i think it's fair to say most people here could have had a shower this morning.

译文:好吧,好吧。我觉得可以不含糊地说,在座大部分人 今天早上都有冲澡的条件。

13. hedoesn'tbelong. hedoesn'tbelong. Thewhite-collar jeff:

译文:白领部落 毫不含糊。

14. - i will consider taking action without delay.

译文:我要毫不含糊地开始考虑对策 I will consider taking action without delay. 你不是汉弗莱爵士家亲戚吧。

15. And for 10 long years i've had to pay my dues.

译文:And for ten long years I've had to pay my dues 阿谀奉承十年载我从不含糊。

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