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幸福健康用英语怎么说 幸福健康英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-01-25 02:43:48
  • 17

幸福健康的英语可以这样说:wellbeing,在日常中也可以翻译为"well being",在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到45个与幸福健康相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. wellbeing


I wish you happiness and health forever.


2. well being

幸福健康翻译为well being。

Be Accountable: your health and well-being is your responsibility.


3. sense of happiness

幸福健康翻译为sense of happiness。

Everyone lived a happy and healthy life because of the king.


4. felicity


示例:Felicity Kendal every time.
每次都是Felicity Kendal.



1. well being(n. 健康; 幸福; 保持良好状态)

2. wellbeing(n. 健康, 幸福, 福利, 舒适, 安宁)

3. felicity(幸福 )

4. sense of happiness( 幸福感;幸福的感受;感知幸福)

5. felicitous(幸福的 )


well-being ( 幸福健康的状态 )

I would like everyone to be happy and healthy ( 我希望人人都幸福健康 )

SJQ wellbeing Health and happiness ( 健康幸福 )

Promote happiness health The health promoting well-being ( 促进幸福的健康 )

wellbeing ( 健康 幸福 )

Happiness lies first of all in health ( 幸福首要是健康 )

Being more health and longevity ( 幸福更易健康长寿 )

health and happiness forever Health and happiness ( 永远健康幸福 )

Wish you health and happiness ( 祝您健康幸福 )


1. Thank you for holding. Health and Wellness Women's Clinic.

译文:谢谢您的等候 健康与幸福女性诊所。

2. Almost universally, they next asked for happiness and then love, in that order: health, happiness, love.

译文:几乎每个人, 都祈求幸福 然后是爱情。顺序如下: 健康,幸福,爱情。

3. They all look cheerful and healthy.


4. For richer and for poorer... for better, for worse... in sickness and in health... to love and to cherish... till death us do part.

译文:不论贫苦或富裕 不论幸福或苦难 不管生病或是健康。

5. The submissive will eat regularly, to maintain her health and well-being from a prescribed list of foods

译文:的主题是健康意识 和幸福,吃 以及规定的食品。

6. i want to wish you happiness and good health.

译文:我... 祝你... 身体健康 永远幸福 叶戈尔。

7. - ♪ Here's a health - ♪ Here's a toast

译文:-祝你们身体健康 -祝你们幸福美满。

8. A toast, a toast, my friends, to our health and cheer and happiness.

译文:干杯 干杯 我的朋友们 祝我们健康欢乐幸福。

9. For a good and happy life!

译文:祝你们幸福为你们的 幸福和健康干杯。

10. Happier thoughts lead to essentially a happier biochemistry, a happier, healthier body.

译文:幸福的思想会导致幸福的生化状态, 和幸福,健康的身体.。

11. Health and Wellness Women's Clinic. Hold, please.


12. - Are they all healthy and well?

译文:- 难道他们全都是健康和幸福。

13. Success, long life, and happiness

译文:成功, 健康长寿, 幸福快乐。

14. i just want you to be happy and healthy.

译文:我只希望你幸福 健康。

15. Health, wealth, happiness!


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