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神经组织耗损用英语怎么说 神经组织耗损英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-01-28 12:36:47
  • 802

神经组织耗损在英语中的翻译是"neurophthisis",还网络中常译为"  neurophthisis",在《郎文当代中级英语辞典》中,共找到12个与神经组织耗损相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. neurophthisis

2.   neurophthisis


1. neurophthisis([医] 神经组织耗损)

2. nerve tissues([组织] 神经组织)

3. nervous tissues([组织] 神经组织)

4. nervous tissue(神经组织)

5. neural tissue(神经组织)


1. However the inherent friction of the machine caused a significant loss of energy.


2. To measure the activity of neurons, you have to actually make it into the brain tissue itself.

译文:为了测量神经元的活动, 你必须真正进入大脑组织本身。

3. Their whiskers, or vibrissae, are composed of keratin and full of nerve fibers that run deep into the connective tissue of their face.

译文:它们的胡须,或触须, 由角蛋白组成,富含神经纤维, 神经纤维深入其脸部结缔组织。

4. Another core has been depleted.


5. Around the skeleton are the muscles, nerves, arteries and veins that form the body's soft tissue layers.

译文:骨架的周围都是肌肉,神经,和动静脉, 形成了人体的软组织层。

6. What tricks are you trying to play?

译文:发神经啊 发神经。

7. Hey, this is where your conditioning pays off.


8. We're focused on adding drugs, adding growth factors, killing nerves that are causing problems and not the surrounding tissue.

译文:提高药效、 添加生长因子、 杀死招致麻烦的神经 而不是周边组织。

9. Some muscle and tissue damage but no nerve involvement.

译文:有肌肉和组织损伤 但没伤到神经。

10. i also would like sections of the nerve tissue stained with both nissl and cajal gold preparations.

译文:我还要部分的神经组织用 NlSSL与CAJAL GOLD处理染色。

11. But, as observed, after most injuries in humans, there is this intervening gap of intact neural tissue through which recovery can occur.

译文:与此同时, 正如你们看到的, 对于大多数损伤 在神经需要进行修复的位置 周边的神经组织都是完好的。

12. We'll harvest her nerve tissue first.


13. ♪ i gotta the nerve ♪ gotta get the nerve

译文:我的神经 得神经。

14. i'm going to step up the virtual treatments... and increase the dosage of nootropic drugs.


15. She is pretty worn and torn, you know.


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