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交作业本用英语怎么说 交作业本英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-02-09 14:00:21
  • 126

交作业本的英语可以这样说:underdeck operation,还可以翻译为turnkey operation,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到19个与交作业本相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. underdeck operation

交作业本翻译为underdeck operation。

示例:Alan, what is Operation Glass?
what is Operation Glass?


2. turnkey operation

交作业本翻译为turnkey operation。

示例:i mean, the concept is turnkey everything.


3. workbooks


示例:Everyone, take out your workbooks.


4. duration of handling

交作业本翻译为duration of handling。

示例:Do you mind if i, uh, go handle some that needs handling?
go handle some that needs handling?



1. workbooks(n. 练习本, 作业本( workbook的复数形式 ))

2. operation in car([交] 车内作业)

3. turnkey operation(交钥匙作业)

4. underdeck operation([交] 舱内作业)

5. duration of handling([交] 装卸作业时间)


1. Mother, i took his book and i have to return it.

译文:妈妈, 我把他的作业本 带来了,我必须还给他。

2. How many times did i tell you to write in a book? How many times?


3. And remember, if i tell you to write in a book, it's because it shows discipline.

译文:记住, 如果我让你们写在作业本上 是因为这是规定。

4. - i want to return his book.

译文:- 我想还他的作业本。

5. There are very important reasons for writing in a book.


6. Let me see your workbooks.


7. i didn't realise i took Mohammad Reza's homework book.

译文:我不小心带来了的 作业本。

8. You can make me buy my books, Pope?

译文:爸爸 你什么时候给我买作业本。

9. Assemble notebooks razha them. Who's duty?


10. He's always punished. His books are full of red marks.

译文:他经常受惩罚 他作业本上都是红杠杠。

11. i took by accident the book with the homework... of Mohammad Reza.

译文:我不小心把 ... 的作业本带来了.。

12. Get up! Check your son's notebook!

译文:起床了 , 看看你儿的作业本。

13. This way you won't forget them somewhere, like Nematzadeh did.

译文:也不会象 这样把作业本忘在那里.。

14. She writes her mother's name on all her assignments, on every page, report and book.

译文:可她到处写自己母亲的名字 作业本 报告和书上。

15. Kid's drawings, schoolwork old pair of tennis ss.

译文:涂鸦画, 作业本... ...网球鞋.。

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