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交互作用系数用英语怎么说 交互作用系数英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-08 10:29:17
  • 22

交互作用系数的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为  interaction factor,其次还可以说成"interaction coefficent",在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到79个与交互作用系数相关的翻译和例句。


1.   interaction factor

交互作用系数翻译为   interaction factor。

Considering the interactive effect between oil depot and environment, the systematic design method will be more economical and reasonable than the traditional turnover coefficient method.


2. interaction coefficent

交互作用系数翻译为interaction coefficent。

Finally, the tested value is compared with the calculated value by use of incidenced binary interaction coefficient.


3. interaction factor

交互作用系数翻译为interaction factor。

Moreover, the paper puts forward the opinion that the incompatibility between asphaltene components and light hydrocarbons can be described with larger interaction coefficients.


4.   interaction coefficient

交互作用系数翻译为   interaction coefficient。

示例:- The Wolowitz Coefficient?



1. interaction factor([计] 交互作用系数)

2. interaction coefficent([化] 交互作用系数; 交叉系数)

3. dynamic reciprocity(动态交互作用)

4. energy interaction(能量交互作用)

5. inductive interaction(诱导交互作用)


1. interact with their environment.


2. i don't want to risk a drug interaction.


3. And in this rapidly evolving context, it's possible to imagine a world in which the mobile phone becomes something far more than a medium for social interaction.

译文:在这个快速展开的上下文中 可以想象手机在社会交互作用中远远 超出了作为媒介的工具,而成为其他什么东西的世界。

4. There's air-sea interactions.


5. it's called the Law of Reciprocity.


6. And that's really where interaction lies, and that's the importance of interaction.

译文:这确实是交互作用之所在, 是交互作用的重要性。

7. So, can i take this data -- rearrange yourself, put the symptoms in the left, the drugs across the top, tell me everything we know about Steven and everyone else, and what interacts.

译文:因此,我可以重新整合这些数据, 把症状放在左边,药物列在上方, 告诉我关于斯蒂夫和其他所有人的信息, 以及哪些因素在交互作用。

8. To look at human development, look at the organism's evolution and his environmental interaction.

译文:如我们见识人类发展的集锦 你会著眼于生物的进化 然后著眼于它于环境交互作用的发展。

9. -Spin stabilizer correction factor.


10. The physics of interaction are complex.


11. How do organic aerosols from biomass burning, which you can see in the red dots, intersect with clouds and rainfall patterns?

译文:生物质燃烧所产生的有机气胶, 也就是这些红点, 与云和雨如何交互作用。

12. it was a solar wind interacting with our ionosphere that he was listening to -- a phenomena which we can see at the extreme northern and southern latitudes of our planet as the aurora.

译文:他聆听的是 太阳风和地球电离层的 交互作用 -- 这是个神奇的现象 就像我们能在地球的南极和北极所看到的 极光一样。

13. - The stakes in this line of work are very high.

译文:- 这份工作的冒险系数很高。

14. You know how hard that is?


15. "Reduction of air handling capacity from number 7 air handlers to a more appropriate and cost-effective number 5."


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