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昆虫学用英语怎么说 昆虫学英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-11-09 13:35:21
  • 62

昆虫学的英语是"entomology",还经常被译作entomology -,在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到57个与昆虫学相关的释义和例句。


1. entomology


The university's head of entomology Marcel Dicke knows that changing westerners' mindset will take more than disguising a worm in chocolate.


2. entomology -

昆虫学翻译为 entomology -。

In the annals of entomology it is well known.


3.   [昆] Entomology

昆虫学翻译为   [昆] Entomology。

It involved research in genetics, plant breeding, plant pathology, entomology, agronomy, soil science, and cereal technology.


4. bugology


1. entomology(昆虫学 )

2. insectology(昆虫学 )

3. entomolgy(昆虫学)

4. veterinary entomology(兽医昆虫学,家畜昆虫学)

5. entomological(昆虫学的 )


entomologist bugologist ( 昆虫学家 生物 )

forensic entomology ( 法医昆虫学 )

Royal Entomological Society RES ( 皇家昆虫学会 )

Department of Entomology ( 昆虫学系 )

applied entomology ( 应用昆虫学 昆 )

Agricultural entomology agro-entomology ( 农业昆虫学 植保 )

Medical entomology ( 医学昆虫学 基医 )

Forest entomology ( 森林昆虫学 林 )

entomologist bughunter ( 昆虫学者 )


1. He's a entomologist, studies erflies... actually Lepidoptera, as he says.

译文:他是昆虫学家 研究蝴蝶... 实际上他说叫鳞翅目。

2. i think that he and the entomologist are friends.


3. We'll see if our entomologist concurs.


4. The Journal of Entomology called. They want to do a story on me.

译文:《昆虫学期刊》的记者来电话 要和我做一个专题。

5. He is a research scientist in entomology, of all things.


6. And Dr. Hodgins' love of entomology makes his desire to be an insect's host quite reasonable.

译文:而且Hodgins博士对于昆虫学非常热爱 他自愿当一只昆虫的宿主 这个愿望很合理。

7. Something very special for the young entomologist.


8. And then, within zoology, i took the course or the discipline of entomology, the science of insects.

译文:于是,在动物学系里, 我选修了昆虫学的相关课程, 昆虫科学这门课。

9. And then, within zoology, i took the course or the discipline of entomology, the science of insects.

译文:于是,在动物学系里, 我选修了昆虫学的相关课程, 昆虫科学这门课。

10. Some of them are so identical that even an entomologist cannot identify them under a microscope.

译文:有些种类的相似程度, 昆虫学家借助 显微镜也无法识别它们。

11. i can 'world's best entomologist Always use.

译文:你知道吗 我这边一直都有世界顶级的昆虫学家受我安排。

12. Actually, i'm an entomologist.


13. You said your entomologist and anthropologist are no good, right?

译文:你说你的昆虫学家 和人类学家不中用 对吧。

14. i have been up all night going over forensic anthropology and entomology reports.

译文:我整晚没睡 把法医人类学 和昆虫学报告看了个遍。

15. - Entomology is a rapidly growing field. - You don't want me to live with you.

译文:昆虫学是门快速成长的学问 你不要我跟你住。

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