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存储器址出错用英语怎么说 存储器址出错英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-22 08:47:40
  • 43

存储器址出错用英语说"storage addressing error",在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到32个与存储器址出错相关的释义和例句。


1. storage addressing error

存储器址出错翻译为storage addressing error。

示例:See, crystals are from condensation and improper storage.
crystals are from condensation and improper storage.



1. storage addressing error([计] 存储器址出错)

2. memory addressing([计] 存储器寻址, 存储器编址)

3. direct memery access(存储器)

4. memery(存储器)

5. memorier(存储器)


1. They got a WMD hardware store back there, but none of the pieces fit.

译文:- 他们后面有一个WMD硬件存储器 - 但没有一块是相配的。

2. You may want to put it in your memory.

译文:你可以把它放到 在存储器中。

3. it was cabinets of processors and storage and everything.


4. So now there is only the memory of trees.

译文:所以现在只有 存储器的树木。

5. i know, but if we can get it working, then maybe i can restore the computer's memory.

译文:我知道 如果能让它重新工作 也许我们能恢复存储器里的内容。

6. - You want the drive, right?

译文:- 你想要USB存储器,不是吗。

7. The most common type of RAM is dynamic RAM, or DRAM.

译文:最常见的随机储存器是动态随机存储器 或者说DRAM。

8. Yeah, that or whatever. Mike, didn't you ever pay attention in science class? Yeah.

译文:然后 需要一个存储器转移杀毒程序。

9. i didn't want to have any like, memory of the music life.

译文:我不希望有任何喜欢, 存储器上的音乐生活。

10. But RAM and cache can only hold data as long as they're powered.


11. Hey, ! We just want the drive!

译文:嘿 外国佬 我们只是想要USB存储器。

12. Hazardous materials storage container opening.


13. The one with the flash drive?


14. Finally, the newest and fastest types of long-term storage are solid-state drives, like flash sticks.

译文:末了,固态硬盘 是最新也是最快捷的长期存储器 比如闪存存储器。

15. That's a digital storage in a physical container.


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