孝敬父母的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为show filial obedience,还经常被译作 Honor Our Parents,在《现代英语词典》中,共找到94个与孝敬父母相关的翻译和例句。
1. show filial obedience
孝敬父母翻译为show filial obedience。
Will you prioritize filial piety towards your parents after you take your first job?
2. Honor Our Parents
孝敬父母翻译为 Honor Our Parents。
There is something in us-written on our hearts-that says, "Honor your father and mother."
3. Filial to our parents
孝敬父母翻译为 Filial to our parents。
The children have a duty to honor their parents and respect their wishes.
4. caring parents
孝敬父母翻译为 caring parents。
示例:Well, um, it's a new, more caring administration.
more caring administration.
1. parent(父母 )
2. filiopietistic(a. 过分表示孝敬的)
3. parental(父母的 )
4. parenthood(父母身份 )
5. in potestate parentis(父母授权)
Honor your father Honor their parents more ( 多孝敬父母 )
Bir Al-walidain ( 敬孝父母 )
give presents to one's parents ( 对父母孝敬奉养 )
1. i can still care for my mom in this lifetime
译文:在我有生之年 我还能回去孝敬我妈。
2. No idols, not even American.
译文:孝敬父母 特别是你们的母亲。
3. - What? Nice, respectful Asian kid does the laundry.
译文:好的 孝敬父母的亚洲孩子洗衣服吗。
4. After we're done with filming,
5. So i could... carve a pnix for you in future
译文:让我以后... 雕只凤孝敬你。
6. it doesn't really have anything to do with respect.
7. Tianqing takes care of you like a son would.
8. Haven't i told you, be nice to your parents?
9. Here's the electricians' union.
10. "Why don't you just be a good daughter and go back to your hometown!"
11. Honor thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God hath given thee.
译文:孝敬父母 Honor thy father and thy mother, 汝辈方可天赐福寿绵长 that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy God hath given thee.。
12. if you don't make too much trouble for me you are filial to me
译文:少给我添麻烦 就算你孝敬老子啦。
13. - Honour thy father and thy mother, that thy days may be long upon the land.
译文:"你当孝敬父母" "使你得以幸福安康,日子过得久远"。
14. Someone kind and good to his parents
15. Brother Turtle, this is to thank you. Smart boy!
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