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病状用英语怎么说 病状的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-08 10:56:52
  • 26

病状的英语可以这样说:  pathology,还网络中常译为"symptom of a disease -",在《现代英语词典》中,共找到27个与病状相关的翻译和例句。


1.   pathology

病状翻译为   pathology。

Many events are, however, coincidental medical conditions.


2. symptom of a disease -

病状翻译为 symptom of a disease -。

As the stories unfold, the reader discovers that fever is not just a symptom of physical illness.


3. symptom of a disease

病状翻译为symptom of a disease。

The reporting of such coincidental conditions can lead to undue fears and allegations.


4.   symptom

病状翻译为   symptom。

示例:- The dolphin was a symptom.



1. metabasis([医]转移, 病状转变)

2. psychotic state(精神病状态)

3. status gastricus([医] 胃病状态)

4. wheeze asthmatoid(气喘病状哮喘)

5. rabiform([医] 狂犬病状的)


A Patterning Pathology ( 图形病状 )

hysterical state ( 癔病状态 )

Rotavirus RV HRV RT-PCR ( 轮状病毒 )

Psychiatric Status Rating Scales ( 精神病状态评定量表 )

morbid state Unhealthy status disease state ( 疾病状态 )

Prognosis ( 病状的诊断 )

disease free condizione indenne da malattia ( 无病状态 )

syndrome ( 综合病状 )


1. And now i'm showing signs of an illness


2. And the kind of assistance she needs to find her way out of this maze of terror she's in.

译文:以及能提供她需要的护理 她现在病状的地方。

3. Allowing myself to be stampeded like this into a state of hysteria...


4. i know you served in the Pacific that means you'll recognize the effects of malaria.

译文:Hunt. 我知道你在太平洋服役 I know you served in the Pacific. 这就意味着你很清楚疟疾的病状 That means you'll recognize the effects of malaria.。

5. Why is it always like that?

译文:为什么这种病的病状 总是摆脱不了这样的外象呢。

6. This guy, he just wants to know what he can do to make it stop.

译文:这个朋友 他只是想知道要怎么做 才能结束这些病状。

7. Everybody laughed when he was telling his symptoms.


8. Whatever the case, two divergent pathologies are at work in this unsub.

译文:无论如何 不明人物具有两种不同的病状。

9. Now we have our disease model, we can find a cure.

译文:我们复制了疾病状态,我们得 找出解决之道。

10. And then he has these attacks.


11. But they have an antibody in their blood which breaks down the RNA of the vaccine.

译文:可以把赛昂人体内病毒引起的病状明显改善 但是 他们的血液里有抗体。

12. Tell us something we didn't know five hours ago.

译文:多谢 去的医生 老娘几小时前就知道病状了 {\3cH202020}Thanks. Tell us something we didn't know five hours ago. -电视上面。

13. Then you're the one, not Prof. Zaizen who decided that it was pneumonia after the surgery?

译文:那么将佐佐木庸平的病状 诊断为手术后的人 不是财前教授而是你本人。

14. And we're miserable. (Laughter) And we're miserable not because the other guy can't run a good meeting, it's because of MAS, our Mindless Accept Syndrome, which is a self-inflicted wound.

译文:然后我们很痛苦 (笑声) 我们痛苦不是因为别人不能运作个好的会议 而是因为MAS,我们的盲目接受综合症 这个病状是我们自找的。

15. As news swept through the village, the symptoms appeared to spread.

译文:消息迅速在村子里传开了, 相似病状也开始在更多的村民身上蔓延。

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