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质因数用英语怎么说 质因数的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-29 05:33:08
  • 54

质因数的英语可以这样说:prime factor,还可以翻译为  prime factor,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到53个与质因数相关的翻译和例句。


1. prime factor

质因数翻译为prime factor。

An application of the quality factor of convex function to chaotic signal ysis was given.


2.   prime factor

质因数翻译为   prime factor。

You have to enter all prime factors of the number.


3.   factor

质因数翻译为   factor。

Quanlity factor Q is an important parameter for use in radiation protection.



1. index of merit(品质因数)

2. electrical quality factor(电学品质因数)

3. fibre merit figure(光纤品质因数)

4. intrinsic quality factor(固有品质因数)

5. mechanical quality factor(机械品质因数)


quality factor ( 品质因数 电子 )

q external ( 外界品质因数 )

factor of merit figure of merit ( 优质因数 )

HI-Q High Quality Factor ( 高品质因数 )

loaded quality factor loaded ( 有载品质因数 电子 )


1. So what are the factors of 30?


2. it should be able to decrypt the genetic database.


3. Most of the lockers have an even number of factors, which makes sense because factors naturally pair up.

译文:大多数柜子有偶数个因子因数, 因为因数自然是成对出现的。

4. Except that when you lay that side by side with the speed with which gene data's being deposited in GenBank, Moore's Law is right here: it's the blue line.

译文:但有个例外,就是 基因数据库中存放基因的增加速度 蓝线显示的是摩尔定律。

5. So we ever decide what this mission's pucker factor was?


6. Since each of these numbers only has 1 and the natural number powers of their prime number base as factors, there are no overlapping room numbers.

译文:因为这些数字每一个 都只有1和它们的幂本身 作为因数, 因此就没有重叠数字号的房间。

7. And a neat trick to figure out the amount of trailing zeros in a product is to count and add the trailing zeros in each of the factors – for example, 10 x 100 = 1,000.

译文:有个小妙招可以知道 乘积的尾数有几个0, 那就是算出每个因数尾数的 0有几个,再将再们相加—— 比如,10 × 100 = 1000。

8. personal data must only be used for research purposes..

译文:我们一直怀疑 有人私自进入基因数据库。

9. What about the genetic database?


10. The numbers 1, 2, 3, and 6 are the factors of 6.


11. When you take into account the stress factors, the design--


12. i'm actually teaching calculus to a person who doesn't even know factorization. Forget it, brat.

译文:我居然在给连因数分解都不会的人教微积分 算了吧。

13. in Japan, another fault zone millions live with the same uncertainty.

译文:在日本,另一个断层地带 数百万人生活在同样的不定因数中。

14. The genetic database is in the safe in the study.


15. But before i talk about the entire human world, i need to talk about something that you might think of as irrelevant schools maths: factors of numbers.

译文:但在谈整个人类世界之前, 我必须和你们谈一些看起来可能 无关的学校里教的数学: 数字的因数。

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