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thrilled是什么 thrilled的翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-14 11:19:59
  • 29


1. 语义:thrilled可以用来形容一个人对某件事物的强烈兴奋和激动,例如“I'm thrilled to be here today!”(我很高兴今天能够到这里!)

2. 用法:thrilled通常用作形容词,但也可以用作动词,例如“She was thrilled by the news.”(她对这个消息感到非常兴奋。)

3. 搭配:thrilled常与be, feel, get, become等动词搭配使用,例如“He felt thrilled when he heard the news.”(他听到这个消息时感到非常兴奋。)

4. 代码示例:

javascript let feeling = "thrilled"; console.log(`I am ${feeling} to see you again!`); // I am thrilled to see you again!
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