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输精管吻合术用英语怎么说 输精管吻合术英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-11-11 01:09:34
  • 43

输精管吻合术通常被翻译为"vasovasotomy"的意思,其次还可以说成"  vasovasostomy",在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到51个与输精管吻合术相关的翻译和例句。


1. vasovasotomy

2.   vasovasostomy


1. vasovasostomies(输精管吻合术)

2. microvasovasotomy(显微输精管吻合术)

3. vasovasotomy([医] 输精管吻合术)

4. vasovasostomy(n. [医]输精管吻合术)

5. Vasovasorrhaphy(输精管输精管缝术)


microsurgical vasovasostomy ( 显微外科输精管吻合术 )

conventional vasovasostomy ( 常规输精管吻合术 )

microvasovasostomy ( 显微输精管吻合术 )

Vasoepididymostomy ( 附输精管吻合术 )

vasovasostomy ( 输精管输精管吻合术 )


1. £­ Yeah, that'd be great. £­ Just give me a ginger ale.


2. Mr. Crossley's anastomosis may be leaking.


3. Let's talk about dentists, vasectomies, guns and shark attacks.


4. And you're okay with the vasectomy thing?


5. Vasectomies are up 48 percent, according to the Cornell institute.

译文:又据康奈尔研究院 输精管切除手术增多了48%。

6. i'll give you some examples. Lets talk about dentists, vasectomies, guns and shark attacks. Okay?

译文:我会给大家举些例子,比如牙医, 输精管切除书术,和鲨鱼攻击。好吗。

7. The spermatozoid was thought to come from the vas deferens.


8. When are you planning on doing the anastomosis?

译文:第一天 你打算什么时候做吻合术。

9. i made Hal snip his business. And then, if i kick his ass to the curb, i can have more with someone else if i want.

译文:我让霍尔做了输精管结扎术 {\3cH202020}I made Hal snip his business. 我可以找别的男人再生啊 {\3cH202020}I can have more with someone else if I want.。

10. i've had a vasectomy, and i'm very clean.

译文:我已经有一个输精管切除, 而且我非常干净。

11. i should've realized the vasectomy and condoms was overkill, but this was too obvious to miss.

译文:我应该意识到输精管切除术 和有过度的杀伤力, 但这个明显没有。

12. We decided to provide vasectomy to all men, but in particular, American men to the front of the queue, right up to the Ambassador's residence during his [unclear].

译文:我们决定向所有男性提供输精管结扎手术。而先到场的美籍男性可以享受特殊待遇, 直接在美国大使的官邸 进行手术。

13. Vasectomies can reverse themselves. Condoms break.

译文:输精管切除术有可能会接反 也有可能破裂。

14. i had a vasectomy when i was 21... which was as soon as they'd let me.


15. Vaseline Alley, Two Guys and a Girl and a Horse,

译文:输精管ELINE ALLE Y, 两个家伙和一个女孩和马。

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