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关于垃圾分类的英语句子 18个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-11-16 14:01:17
  • 456

1. Proper waste sorting is essential for protecting the environment. (适当的垃圾分类对环境保护至关重要。)

2. Recycling is an effective way to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills. (回收再利用是减少送往垃圾填埋场的垃圾量的有效方法。)

3. Separating organic waste from other types of waste can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. (将有机废物与其他类型的垃圾分开可以帮助减少温室气体排放。)

4. Plastic waste is a major environmental problem that requires proper management. (塑料垃圾是一个需要适当管理的重要环境问题。)

5. Composting is a great way to turn food ss and yard waste into fertile soil. (堆肥是将食物残渣和庭院垃圾转化为肥沃土壤的好方法。)

6. Recycling paper can reduce the number of trees cut down for new paper production. (回收纸张可以减少为新纸生产砍伐的树木数量。)

7. Hazardous waste should be disposed of properly to avoid contamination of soil and water. (有害废物应适当处理,以避免染土壤和水源。)

8. Proper disposal of medical waste is crucial for preventing the spread of diseases. (适当处理医疗废物对于防止疾病传播至关重要。)

9. Electronic waste should be recycled to minimize the impact of toxic chemicals on the environment. (电子垃圾应被回收,以最小化有害化学物质对环境的影响。)

10. Reusing items instead of throwing them away can help reduce waste. (重新使用物品而不是扔掉它们可以帮助减少垃圾。)

11. Encouraging people to use reusable containers can help reduce the amount of packaging waste. (鼓励人们使用可重复使用的容器可以帮助减少包装垃圾的数量。)

12. Educating people about the benefits of waste reduction can lead to a more sustainable future. (向人们宣传垃圾减少的好处可以引领更可持续的未来。)

13. Munilities should work to provide convenient recycling options for residents. (市应该努力为居民提供便利的回收选项。)

14. Consumers can reduce their environmental impact by more conscious choices about what they buy. (消费者可以通过更加自觉地选择购买的物品来减少他们的环境影响。)

15. Separating recyclable materials from non-recyclable materials can help improve the efficiency of waste management. (将可回收材料与不可回收材料分开可以帮助提高垃圾管理的效率。)

16. s should provide incentives for companies to reduce waste and promote sustainable practices. (应该为公司提供减少垃圾和推广可持续实践的刺激措施。)

17. Setting waste reduction goals can help organizations prioritize sustainability efforts. (设立垃圾减少目标可以帮助组织优先考虑可持续发展。)

18. Recycling is not just about reducing waste, but also conserving natural resources. (回收不仅是减少垃圾,还可以保护自然资源。)

19. Reusing and repairing items is a form of waste reduction that can save money and resources. (重新使用和修理物品是一种垃圾减少的形式,可以节省金钱和资源。)

20. Everyone has a role to play in waste reduction, from individuals to companies to government agencies. (每个人都有垃圾减少的责任,从个人到公司再到机构。)

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