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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-14 11:21:48
  • 88

1. 横过的翻译


例如:He swam across the river.(他游过了河。)


例如:The horizontal line divides the page into two halves.(这条水平线将页面分为两半。)


例如:The transverse section of the tree shows its inner structure.(这棵树的横截面展示了其内部结构。)

2. 穿过的翻译


例如:The train goes through the tunnel.(火车穿过了隧道。)


例如:We passed through the narrow alley.(我们穿过了这条狭窄的小巷。)


例如:She crossed the street quickly.(她迅速走过了马路。)

3. 用英语怎么说

(1)go across/through

例如:They went across the field and through the woods to get to the cabin.(他们穿过了田野,穿过了树林才到达小屋。)

(2)cut through

例如:We cut through the park to get to the station.(我们穿过公园走到车站。)


例如:The hiker traversed the mountain range.(这位徒步旅行者穿过了山脉。)

(4)make one's way across/through

例如:Despite the heavy rain, we made our way through the city to get to the museum.(尽管下着大雨,我们还是穿过城市到达了博物馆。)

(5)pass over

例如:I passed over the bridge and headed towards the town.(我穿过桥走向镇子。)

上一篇: 晚安爸爸英语怎么说

下一篇: 学士的英语

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