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enuresis nocturna是什么意思 enuresis nocturna的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-01-08 09:31:58
  • 638

'enuresis nocturna'是拉丁语,意思是夜间遗尿。这是指成年人和儿童在夜间睡觉时无意中排尿的一种情况。这个词语最常见的中文翻译是夜间遗尿。

以下是9个含有'enuresis nocturna'的例句:

1. Enuresis nocturna is a common problem in young children.(夜间遗尿是小孩子常见的问题。)

2. The doctor recommended that she use enuresis alarms to help control her bedwetting.(医生建议她使用遗尿警报器来帮助控制夜间遗尿。)

3. In some cases, enuresis nocturna can be a sign of an underlying medical condition.(在某些情况下,夜间遗尿可能是潜在医学疾病的一种征兆。)

4. Enuresis nocturna can be embarrassing and cause anxiety for both children and adults.(夜间遗尿可能会让孩子和感到尴尬和焦虑。)

5. The parents tried various methods to help their child overcome enuresis nocturna.(父母尝试了各种方法来帮助他们的孩子克服夜间遗尿。)

6. Some medications can be prescribed to help treat enuresis nocturna.(可以开一些药物来帮助治疗夜间遗尿。)

7. Enuresis nocturna can affect a person's quality of life and lead to social isolation.(夜间遗尿可能会影响一个人的生活质量,并导致社交孤立。)

8. It's important to seek medical advice if enuresis nocturna persists beyond the age of five or six.(如果夜间遗尿持续到五六岁以上,就必须寻求医疗建议。)

9. Enuresis nocturna can be caused by a variety of factors, including genetics and bladder dysfunction.(夜间遗尿可能由许多因素引起,包括基因和膀胱功能障碍。)

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