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data mart是什么意思 data mart的读音、翻译、用法

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-14 11:22:18
  • 39

'data mart'这个词源于英语,中文翻译为“数据集市”。它是指一个面向特定业务或团队的数据仓库,其中存储并提供与该业务或团队相关的数据和分析结果。数据集市通常包含特定主题或领域的数据,比如销售、客户或供应链等。在数据仓库体系结构中,数据集市是一个独立的子系统,常用于支持决策制定和业务流程的优化。以下是9个含有"data mart"的例句:

1. Our marketing team relies on the sales data mart to track campaign effectiveness. (我们的营销团队依赖销售数据集市来追踪活动效果。)

2. The finance department maintains a data mart that stores financial transactions from the past five years. (财务部门维护一个数据集市,存储过去五年的财务交易。)

3. The HR data mart contains employee information such as job titles, salaries, and performance evaluations. (人力资源数据集市包含员工信息,如职称、薪资和绩效评估。)

4. The manufacturing team uses the production data mart to monitor equipment performance and identify bottlenecks. (制造团队使用生产数据集市监控设备性能并识别瓶颈。)

5. The customer service data mart tracks customer complaints and resolutions to identify areas for improvement. (客户服务数据集市追踪客户投诉和解决方案,以识别改进的领域。)

6. The sales data mart is updated on a daily basis to ensure accurate and timely reporting. (销售数据集市每天更新,以确保准确和及时的报告。)

7. The marketing data mart enables the team to segment customers based on demographics and purchase behavior. (营销数据集市使得团队根据人口统计学和购买行为对客户进行分段。)

8. The supply chain data mart provides real-time visibility into inventory levels and delivery status. (供应链数据集市提供实时的库存水平和交付状态的可见性。)

9. The finance data mart is integrated with our ERP system to provide a complete view of financial performance. (财务数据集市与我们的ERP系统集成,提供完整的财务绩效视图。)

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