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幸生用英语怎么说 幸生的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-08 10:39:56
  • 28

幸生在英语中的翻译是"  the poppy puppet",其次还可以说成"  Sachiu",在《英英汉-英英汉词典》中,共找到97个与幸生相关的译文和例句。


1.   the poppy puppet

幸生翻译为   the poppy puppet。

Some people have the misfortune to have been born to abusive parents who belittled them and prevented them from developing a healthy self-esteem.


2.   Sachiu

幸生翻译为   Sachiu。

In 1978 Ted Stevens survived a crash that killed his first wife.



Yukio Futatsugi ( 二木幸生 )

Xing-Sheng Gu ( 顾幸生 )

"Happy Life" projects ( 幸福生活工程 )

Yukio Miyagi ( 宫城幸生 )

Wataru Sakata vs Yukio Kubota ( 坂田亘対洼田幸生 )

Unfortunately life ( 不幸生活 )


1. Memories of some maddening woman who was the luck of their DNA draw.


2. You were each given flint. You were each given flint.


3. Medic saved his ass and he lived.


4. Memories of some maddening woman who was the luck of their DNA draw.


5. Chas and their two sons, Ari and Uzi were also on the flight and survived as did their dog who was discovered in his cage several thousand yards from the crash site.

译文:查西跟他儿子阿里和乌兹 同在机上却侥幸生还 他们的狗儿也是。

6. if they're still alive, and upon their return home...

译文:如果他们两个侥幸生还 只要一回杨府。

7. The hunger for an alternative, and the refusal to accept a life of unhappiness.

译文:是对改变的欲望 以及对不幸生活的拒绝。

8. So, i was fortunate enough to be born a very dreamy child.


9. So, i was fortunate enough to be born a very dreamy child.


10. You have the luck of living in a country like Mexico.


11. All we can do is survive. Outlive the virus.


12. Had the bad luck to be born half-albino.

译文:他不幸生 一半的蜜蜂。

13. Hopefully the many questions of the local police, the FBi, and the victims' family members may be answered by those seven civilians lucky enough to walk away from this unprecedented display of carnage with their lives.

译文:这些侥幸生还的幸存者 也许可以向警方和FBI提供宝贵线索。

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