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草本用英语怎么说 草本的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-02-15 04:58:53
  • 180

草本用英语翻译为"  Botanics",还可以翻译为herbaceous,在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到67个与草本相关的译文和例句。


1.   Botanics

草本翻译为   Botanics。

The rabbits nibbled away on the herbaceous plants.


2. herbaceous


Many herbs can be grown indoors.


3.   [植] herb

草本翻译为   [植] herb。

The medical uses of herbs are legion.


4.   vegetation

草本翻译为   vegetation。

示例:And look at the vegetation, what a transition!



1. herbaceous fruit(草本果;草本水果)

2. herbaceous(草本的 )

3. field layer(草本层)

4. grass pine forest(草本松林)

5. grassland vegetation(草本植被)


herbaceous plant ( 草本植物 植 )

herbal tea herbal concentrate Herb tea Ptisan ( 草本茶 )

Veronicastrum sibiricum Leptandrasibirica Veronicasibirica Sibirian Veronicastrum ( 草本威灵仙 )

Herbaceous fruit Herbgeniusous fruit ( 草本果 )

HERBAL GROUPS ( 草本集团公司 )

Mikimoto ( 御草本 )

WHO's Aromist Whos WHOs Aromist Whos WHOnos Aromist ( 草本之源 )

herb layer herbaceous layer field stratum field layer ( 草本层 )

Herbal Essences Herbal Supplement GEO Herb Essence ( 草本精华 )


1. He's been called the 'Scarlet Pimpernel' of the computer age.


2. Bamboos, a family of giant gr, are capable of extraordinary speeds as they race towards the mightiest light of the top of the canopy.

译文:竹子是一类巨大的草本植物 能以惊人的速度生长 竞相冲向树冠层顶部的绚丽阳光。

3. i think i'll have Sleepytime.


4. The Book of Revelations says to "partake of the herb."

译文:写在启示的书 "包括草本观叶"。

5. in Australia, a lily turned into a grass tree, and in Hawaii, a daisy became a silver sword.

译文:在澳大利亚,百合变成了草本植物, 而在夏威夷,菊花成为银剑。

6. i think, "No, no. i don't want to take any synthetics, i just want to see plants and -- just show me herbs and plants. i've got all the natural ingredients."

译文:我想"不,不,我不想吃任何合成的药品 我只想用植物-- 就只显示那些草本和植物.我有所有自然的营养成分."。

7. We have blueberry, raspberry, ginseng, Sleepytime, green tea, green tea with lemon, green tea with lemon and honey, liver disaster, ginger with honey, ginger without honey, vanilla-almond, white truffle, blueberry-chamomile,

译文:我有蓝莓茶、山莓茶、人参茶、草本睡前茶 绿茶、柠檬绿茶 柠檬蜂蜜绿茶、含笑半步颠。

8. i could really use some sort of an herbal refreshment.


9. Those guys over at herbland recommended it. it helps keep you cool.

译文:研究草本的人推荐的 喝了能降温。

10. All i wanna do is develop my herbal in a real lab... and get some head while i'm doin' it.

译文:我想做的是在一个实验室 发展草本植物... 而且已经有一些题目可做。

11. What else you got? Better be a good answer.

译文:这是茶 纯草本 无 还有什么招。

12. it's a blend of herbs and vitamins.

译文:草本植物和多种维他命的混合物 It's a blend of herbs and vitamins.。

13. in the right conditions, gr have the extraordinary ability to grow from first shoots to flower in a matter of only days.

译文:只要条件适宜 草本植物可以在短短几天内 完成从发芽到开花的全过程。

14. Many plants would drown here, but gr thrive.

译文:许多植物会被淹死 而草本却会茁壮生长。

15. The sacred herbs will help.


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