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日常管理方面用英语怎么说 日常管理方面英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-08 10:40:37
  • 39

日常管理方面用英语说"routine management",还网络中常译为"management perspective",在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到34个与日常管理方面相关的译文和例句。


1. routine management

日常管理方面翻译为routine management。

示例:Just a routine questioning.
Just a routine questioning.


2. management perspective

日常管理方面翻译为management perspective。

示例:Now my perspective is a particularly -- -- my perspective is a particularly American perspective.
我的观点 是典型的-- (笑声) 我的观点是典型的美国式观点。


3. everyday concept

日常管理方面翻译为everyday concept。

示例:i came up with the concept of winning.
200)}A concept. 200)}我贡献了获胜的概念 200)}I came with the concept of winning.


4. maintenance repair

日常管理方面翻译为maintenance repair。

示例:That means that congratulations go to Maintenance!
That means that congratulations go to Maintenance!



1. routine management(日常管理)

2. management perspective( 管理方面)

3. everyday concept(日常概念)

4. maintenance repair(日常维修)

5. operating repair(日常修理)


1. "Mathematics in Daily Life".


2. These are important things in our daily lives.

译文:这些是我们的日常生活中 非常重要的方面。

3. it has the power, potentially, to replace our fossil fuels, to revolutionize medicine, and to touch every aspect of our daily lives.

译文:它极有可能 取代化石燃料 彻底革新医学药品 影响我们日常生活的方方面面。

4. And daily cl on anger management.


5. Doing various administrative things.


6. Day care, doctors, teachers.


7. instruct Midway to include this in their housekeeping traffic tomorrow.

译文:指示中途岛方面, 明天把这条消息纳入日常报告中。

8. We know that open source has succeeded with tools for managing knowledge and creativity.

译文:我们知道开源工具 在管理学知识和创造力开发方面很成功。

9. You know, everyday stuff. The stuff we all go through, but funnier.

译文:你知道,日常的事情 日常经历的事情,但更有趣些。

10. And quite frankly, we're not at all happy about the way you and your partner have been handling her affairs.

译文:坦率地说我们非常不满意 你们那方面管理她事务的方式。

11. it has the power, potentially, to replace our fossil fuels, to revolutionize medicine, and to touch every aspect of our daily lives.

译文:它极有可能 取代化石燃料 彻底革新医学药品 影响我们日常生活的方方面面。

12. There are so many apps and services that help with day-to-day communication, video conferencing, project management.

译文:有很多的应用和服务 可以辅助日常沟通, 视频会议和项目管理。

13. What i did was mostly administrative.


14. Because i had entrusted this castle to you good-for-nothing...


15. Uganda's recurrent expenditure -- by recurrent what do i mean?


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