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刊出用英语怎么说 刊出的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-14 05:19:35
  • 68

刊出通常被翻译为"  Published"的意思,还经常被译作  logoff,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到98个与刊出相关的短语释义和例句。


1.   Published

刊出翻译为   Published。

The "Missileer" was published by the base weekly.


2.   logoff

刊出翻译为   logoff。

The survey results are published in full as an appendix to Mr. Barton's discussion paper.


3.   write off

刊出翻译为   write off。

Copyright rested with the journal publisher, and researchers seeking knowledge of the results would have to subscribe to the journal.


4.   come out

刊出翻译为   come out。

示例:Take 100,000 more to come out
000 more to come out



1. next magazine( 壹周刊;杂志;壹周刊出版有限公司)


Journals Publishing Periodical publishing ( 期刊出版 )

Atlantic Monthly Press ( 大西洋月刊出版社 )

ANPA American Newspaper Publishers Association ( 美国报刊出版商协会 )

Checks cancelled ( 刊出支票 )

Periodical Publishers Association ( 英国期刊出版商协会 )


1. Well, wouldn't you, Max? in light of this story?

译文:如果是你,报导刊出 你不会溜吗,麦克斯。

2. The magazine will be actually almost nine million up when we come out of September.

译文:九月刊出版后 杂志销量 将高达9百万。

3. The New York Times, this past Sunday, there was an article about the first black punk rock group called Death in the '70s.

译文:《》 上周日刊出一篇文章 讲述70年代第一支名为"死亡"的 黑人朋克摇滚乐队。

4. Sir, last night i read the DOD Announcement about PFC Phelps.

译文:长官 昨晚我看到网站刊出 一等兵菲尔普斯的阵亡名单。

5. You have read only some of the material we will publish. We have a lot more.

译文:你看到的也只是我们想刊出来的部分 其实我手上还有很多内容没写。

6. i will not let you shut me out. Not after i killed the story.

译文:我不会再让你沉默下去 尤其是我已经决定不刊出报导了。

7. When we see the story in print, then we'll consider what to do


8. We returned to London... and Joanna Noble's article came out.

译文:我们返回伦敦... 琼安娜诺柏的文章刊出来了。

9. Or you could just publish your theories.


10. i say we publish. We gather everything we've got.

译文:我说我们刊出来 把找到的一切都收集起来。

11. i wanna go AP and UPi. i want to get on the state wire services.

译文:新闻送到和合众社 先在本州刊出。

12. You don't mind if an article comes out, do you?

译文:你不? 在意? 些被刊出吧。

13. After that letter in the Gazette.


14. it was published for the first time in June 1995 in a magazine.


15. Please, Ms. Lane, you must tell my story.

译文:蓝恩 你得刊出我的消息。

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