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思乐用英语怎么说 思乐的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-12-26 06:53:02
  • 68

思乐用英语说"  Schleich",在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到13个与思乐相关的翻译和例句。


1.   Schleich

思乐翻译为   Schleich。

And since drugs take such a long time to develop, Mr Vasella believes intellectual-property protection will be sufficient by the time the research laboratory produces its first fruits.



1. luxaflex(乐思富;乐思富产品;日美)

2. Keyl.( 奇乐思)

3. lesur( 乐思趣)

4. Slurpee(思乐冰饮料)

5. slurpees( 思乐冰)


Slurpee Free Slurpee ( 思乐冰 )

Teo Ser Luck ( 张思乐 )

Mustela Hydra Bebe Face Baby Shampoo Muatele ( 妙思乐 )

Louie Louie Castro Chia Si-Lo ( 贾思乐 )

JEAN DESJOYAUX Gary Dessler Gabriel Mauricio Teixeira ( 戴思乐 )

Daniel Vasella Maarten Wetselaar Dan Vasella Dniel Vsell ( 魏思乐 )

Renzo Isler ( 易思乐 )

Scarlet Hotel ( 思乐酒店 )


1. Leave the building with Si Lok now


2. it's not your fault. i can't quite compose this piece right.


3. Yeah, and people in hell want slurpees.

译文:是吗 地狱里的人还想喝思乐冰呢。

4. No...but Dick Sisler was a great player.

译文:不 但迪克・席乐思是个伟大的球员。

5. Hey, you didn't want a Slurpee at 7-Eleven, you don't get gl.

译文:嘿 在便利店不买思乐冰 就没有3D眼镜咯。

6. - Not country, i hate country.

译文:不要乡村乐 我讨厌乡村乐。

7. Hey, Mom, can we get Slurpees?


8. Keithie, Keithie, Keithie!

译文:基思 基思 基思。

9. - Have some, and cut loose.


10. i've got the key to my tune!


11. -There'sSlurpeeeverywhere!

译文:思乐冰(一种7 -Eleven销售的饮品)到处都是。

12. it's like, you know, like you've taken a big slug off a Slurpee and it just stays with me.

译文:就好像吸了一大口思乐冰 痛感一直存在。

13. Si Lok, Where are you now?

译文:思乐 你在哪里。

14. - You'll find everything. Soul, ska, trip-hop, techno, salsa--

译文:- 种类包括"摇滚乐,灵魂乐,飘渺乐,狂野乐"。

15. Dick Sisler's father, he was never poor.


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