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宇航服用英语怎么说 宇航服的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-11-06 14:01:28
  • 118

宇航服的英语为"  space suit",其次还可以说成"  space e suit",在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到20个与宇航服相关的短语翻译和用法。


1.   space suit

宇航服翻译为   space suit。

The diving suit helped the design of the spacesuit.


2.   space e suit

宇航服翻译为   space e suit。

All of these clothes are similar to the spacesuit designs that kept astronauts comfortable in the temperatures of the moon, and are spin-offs from space technology.


3. space suit

宇航服翻译为space suit。

Mike was next to me in his space suit but he could not take over my role.



1. spacesuit(宇航服 )

2. spacewear( 宇航服)

3. Nomex(n. 诺梅克斯(一种轻质耐高温芳香族聚酰胺,可用以制宇航服或消防服))

4. spacetalk(宇航术语)

5. astronaut(宇航员 )


provide energy for the spacesuit ( 为宇航服提供能量 )

Mars Spacesuit ( 火星宇航服 )


1. And right now we're in caves, and we're doing science and recreation, but i think in the future we'll be using them for habitat and science on these other bodies.

译文:马上我们就可以在洞进行科学以及娱乐活动 认为在未来我们会 穿着宇航服来利用它们作为栖息和科学研究的地点。

2. So Dava Newman, a scientist at MiT, has created this sleek space suit.

译文:所以达瓦·纽曼, 这个MIT的科学家, 制造了这个光滑的宇航服。

3. Wait, Ben. His clothes were not resistant to cold like that.

译文:等等 宇航服抵御不了那样的低温。

4. - Tell me about the astronaut.


5. These space suits are designed to withstand the harsh environment of space.

译文:太空宇航服专为 抵挡太空内恶劣环境而设计。

6. i sweat when they stuck me in the pressure suits.

译文:我紧张得直冒汗 被塞进宇航服。

7. You lose sight of the fact that it's a vacuum out there, and if you spring a leak in that suit, you're gonna be dead.

译文:你忘了这里是真空状态 如果你的宇航服出现裂缝的话 你也会丧命的。

8. So, we're talking about things like inflatable liners that can conform to the complex topological shape on the inside of a cave, foamed-in-place airlocks to deal with this complex topology, various ways of getting breathing gases made from the intrinsic materials of these bodies.

译文:我们说的是可充气的衬层 可与洞内复杂的拓扑形状 相吻合 现场发泡过度气压舱可以用来解决复杂的拓扑 宇航服的内部材料 可以采用多种方法取得供人呼吸的气体。

9. Unless we plan to stay holed up underground for the duration of our stay on every new planet, we must find better ways of protecting ourselves without needing to resort to wearing a suit of armor that weighs something equal to your own body weight, or needing to hide behind a wall of lead.

译文:除非我们计划在来到每个新星球时 躲在地下 我们必须要找到更好的方式来保护自己, 甚至不需要求助于 和我们自身一样重的宇航服 或者躲在一墙铅的后面。

10. And right now we're in caves, and we're doing science and recreation, but i think in the future we'll be using them for habitat and science on these other bodies.

译文:马上我们就可以在洞进行科学以及娱乐活动 认为在未来我们会 穿着宇航服来利用它们作为栖息和科学研究的地点。

11. will give you a copy of today's count the service service ... service ?

译文:会算上今天的份给你服务的 服... 服务。

12. Deep in the quarry face, the shockwaves are forcing their way through sheer rock, eventually erupting at the top.

译文:现在太空总署 正在开发一种保持清洁的方法 可以应用到宇航服和航天飞机身上。

13. You won't be contagious inside an environment suit.

译文:好吧 穿着宇航服 你将不会传染给别人。

14. So, we're talking about things like inflatable liners that can conform to the complex topological shape on the inside of a cave, foamed-in-place airlocks to deal with this complex topology, various ways of getting breathing gases made from the intrinsic materials of these bodies.

译文:我们说的是可充气的衬层 可与洞内复杂的拓扑形状 相吻合 现场发泡过度气压舱可以用来解决复杂的拓扑 宇航服的内部材料 可以采用多种方法取得供人呼吸的气体。

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