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暴虐用英语怎么说 暴虐的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-01-28 15:41:56
  • 513

暴虐通常被翻译为"despotic"的意思,还可以翻译为  n,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到37个与暴虐相关的释义和例句。


1. despotic


Justice will prevail over tyranny.


2.   n

暴虐翻译为   n。

I'm the sole victim of Mother's tyranny.


3.   brutal

暴虐翻译为   brutal。

She was shocked by the violent scenes she had witnessed.


4.   tyranny

暴虐翻译为   tyranny。

示例:it's a tyranny of positivity.



1. riuel( 暴虐)

2. tyack( 暴虐)

3. tyist( 暴虐)

4. tyiste( 暴虐)

5. tyranful( 暴虐)


tyrannical Neronian outrageous ( 暴虐的 )

My Brother the Tyrant ( 我那暴虐的哥哥 )

Dawn of the Celebs ( 黎明暴虐僵尸 )

Carnage Racing ( 暴虐赛车 )

Rampage Knights ( 暴虐骑士 )

tyrannously tyrannically ( 暴虐地 )

Torture Man ( 暴虐魔 )


1. i seem like a calm person, but sometimes i have violent thoughts.

译文:我看上去心情平和, 可是... ...有时候我有些暴虐的念头 让我害怕。

2. That's the most foul, cruel and bad-tempered rodent you ever set eyes on.

译文:那是你所见过的 最、残忍和暴虐的啮齿动物。

3. i always thought you had a talent for violence.


4. Unfortunately, you've all been captured by the tyrannical rulers and brought to the ancient colosseum for their deadly entertainment.

译文:不幸的是,你们被暴虐的统治者抓到 并被带到古时候的斗兽场,将以死亡取悦他们。

5. Please stay tuned for a message from our tyrannical dictator!

译文:请继续关注 从我们的暴虐的者的消息。

6. Everything beyond this is superfluous, and therefore tyrannical.

译文:超出这些的都是多余的, 所以它们都是暴虐。

7. Look, i don't mean to go all Mother Teresa on you, but she believed that the spiritual poverty of the West was far more oppressive than any physical poverty she saw in india.

译文:你看,我不是说去 所有修女你, 但她认为,精神 西部贫困 是更暴虐。

8. Now that i have to be a boy again, how do i get out of missionary, no...

译文:现在我无奈作回男生 怎样逃过军营暴虐... 逃过服兵役呢。

9. She was relentlessly ic.


10. All those still out there who spread oppression injustice and hatred they better hope not.

译文:所有那些在外面传播暴虐... 不公平和仇恨的人 他们希望最好不要这样。

11. Whether tis ler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing end them?

译文:"默然忍受命运... 暴虐的毒箭 或是挺身反抗人世的无涯的苦难。

12. We can make something even more ic than more ic than what you see in movies about Nazis.

译文:我们甚至可以拍得更暴虐 超过以前你看过的任何影片。

13. With his experienced team of killers,


14. i guarantee your lif e. He advises peace and an end to killing.

译文:渐离让我劝告大王 收敛暴虐,停止杀戮。

15. They didn't have blueberry; i had to get ermilk. Are you sure you're okay?


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