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包容性用英语怎么说 包容性的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-01-26 07:08:24
  • 7

包容性用英语翻译为"inclusion -",还可以翻译为containment,在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到18个与包容性相关的译文和例句。


1. inclusion -

包容性翻译为 inclusion -。

For one thing, conversations about wildfires need to be more inclusive.


2. containment


Once we start to see people as individuals, and discard the stereotypes, we can move positively toward inclusiveness for everyone.


3.   Comprehensiveness

包容性翻译为   Comprehensiveness。

Lengthy periods of economic stagnation or decline have almost always left society more mean-spirited and less inclusive, and have usually stopped or reversed the advance of rights and s.


4. containment capability -

包容性翻译为 containment capability -。

示例:- Fitz broke into containment!
- It's Fitz! - Fitz broke into containment!



1. inclusionary(包容性)

2. inclarity( 包容性)

3. inclinary( 包容性)

4. inclusible( 包容性)

5. inclusive growth(包容性增长)


Inclusive Growth inclusive ( 包容性增长 )

inclusive support ( 包容性支持 )

inclusive dialogue ( 包容性对话 )

inclusive macroeconomic ( 包容性宏观经济 )

social inclusion public policies ( 社会包容性公共政策 )

the inclusiveness and openness of the CICA ( 亚信的包容性和开放性 )

Inclusive Growth Sustainable Solutions ( 包容性增长的可持续解决方案 )

Inclusive Design ( 包容性设计 )

Inclusive institutions ( 包容性制度 )


1. But it is joined up, and it is inclusive.

译文:但它接合起来 很具有包容性。

2. We can also start to create more inclusive training sets.

译文:我们也可以创造一些 更有包容性的训练集。

3. (Applause) These ideas are very tentative, and that's in part because this needs to be an inclusive and shared project.

译文:(掌声) 这些想法的可行性很高, 应该在具有包容性和共享的项目中被采纳。

4. You're talking about inclusive innovation.


5. Let's have a look now at inclusiveness.


6. Because that's the power of diversity and inclusion in science.


7. But let's be clear: diversity and inclusion are not the same things.

译文:但让我们说清楚了: 多样化和包容性不是一件事情。

8. When companies teach their people to be allies, diversity and inclusion programs are stronger.

译文:当公司教会他们的人成为盟友, 多元化和包容性的气氛就会更重。

9. And if inclusion is what you're after, you've got to calculate some slightly different numbers.

译文:如果你追求包容性, 你需要计算的数字 可能会有点不同。

10. And inclusiveness is looking at things like violence and discrimination against minorities, gender equity, LGBT inclusion, etc...

译文:包容性要关注的方面 有针对少数群体的暴力和歧视、 性别平等、同性恋包容性等。

11. Cities need to know how to build resiliently, but also in a way that's inclusive.

译文:城市需要有韧性得建造 也要有包容性。

12. And this is very relevant if we want to think about an inclusive future for Africa today.

译文:这是非常相关的, 如果我们想为今天的非洲 考虑一个包容性的未来。

13. inclusive leadership is critical to putting people first.


14. The fact that the SDGs are focusing attention on the fact that we face a crisis in personal rights and inclusiveness is a positive.

译文:可持续性发展目标关注于 我们所面临的和包容性危机, 这是一件好事。

15. Across the board, children are inclusive in their city planning.

译文:在整个过程中, 儿童在城市规划中具有包容性。

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