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consequentially是什么 consequentially的翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-14 11:26:41
  • 90


1. 意义:Consequentially通常用于表达一种直接的关联,即一件事情导致另一件事情的发生。例如,当你做出一个决定时,这个决定会导致一些后果,你可以用consequentially来表达这种关联。

2. 用法:Consequentially可以用作副词,在句子中可以放在动词、形容词或介词之后,表示一种直接的关联。例如:He made a decision and, consequentially, there were some consequences.

3. 例句:

a. He was late for work, consequentially he was fired.

b. She took the wrong path, consequentially she got lost.

c. They didn't follow the instructions, consequentially they failed the test.

4. 代码示例:

if (decision == "yes") {

// Do something

consequentially = true;

} else {

// Do something else

consequentially = false;


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