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内膜用英语怎么说 内膜的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-01-07 01:33:15
  • 916

内膜的英语可以这样说:  tegument,还网络中常译为"inner membrance",在《郎文当代高级英语辞典》中,共找到66个与内膜相关的短语翻译和用法。


1.   tegument

内膜翻译为   tegument。

Fourth degree injury includes damage to the endoneurium, perineurium, and epineurium.


2. inner membrance

内膜翻译为inner membrance。

The endometrium was atrophic and the number of glandular organs was decreased.


3. intima


The expression of thymidylate synthase may be one of the important prognostic indicator for endometrial carcinoma.


4.   Endometrial

内膜翻译为   Endometrial。

示例:i.U.D. must have been left in, embedded in the endometrial tissue where it couldn't be detected.



1. tunica interna(内膜, 内膜,内层)

2. ental membrane(内膜)

3. endomembrane(内膜)

4. inner capsule(内膜)

5. internal theca(内膜)


endosteum perimyelis ( 骨内膜 解剖 )

endomembrane system endomembrane transport internal membrane system cell endomembrane system ( 内膜系统 细胞 )

endocardium wsierdzie ( 心内膜 解剖 )

endoneurium endoneural sheath ( 神经内膜 解剖 )

Endometrial biopsy ( 内膜活检 )

endocarditis infective endocarditis prosthetic valve endocarditis endokarditisz ( 心内膜炎 内科 )

carotid endarterectomy CEA ( 颈动脉内膜切除术 )

Infective endocarditis Endocarditis ( 感染性心内膜炎 内科 )

CIMT IMT intima-media thickness carotid intima media thickness ( 颈动脉内膜中层厚度 )


1. - Some junkie with endocarditis is tamponading.


2. This was the only modality that can see the inner lining of the heart.

译文:这是能看到心脏内膜的 唯一模式。

3. Tricuspid valve, carneae, tendinae, and the lining is endocardium and myocardium.

译文:三尖瓣, carneae,tendinae, 而衬里是心内膜 和心肌。

4. i took a cheek swab and had it cultured in the lab. Oh?

译文:所以在你睡觉时 取了你的口腔内膜样本 并放到了实验室的培养皿里。

5. Pregnancy starts with a process called implantation, where the embryo embeds itself in the endometrium that lines the uterus.

译文:怀孕始于“着床”这一过程, 胚胎把自己嵌入到内膜上。

6. And it's too much because we need a thick uterine lining for a very specific reason.

译文:量大是因为 我们对厚内膜的需求 是出于一个非常特定的原因。

7. its placenta, a solid disk of blood-rich tissue, attaches to the wall of the uterus to support the developing embryo.

译文:胎盘是充满血液的 盘状固体组织, 贴在内膜上, 来帮助胚胎发育。

8. Judging from the decomposition of the endometrium, i'd say the woman was 70.

译文:根据内膜损坏的程度 我敢说这女士大约是70岁。

9. So over the millennia that we have evolved, it's been a little bit like an arms race in the uterus, the lining getting thicker and thicker and thicker, and the embryo getting more invasive until we reach this detente with the lining of the uterus that we have.

译文:所以经过上千年的进化, 内的竞争 宛如一场军备竞赛, 内膜变得越来越厚, 胚胎也更具侵入性, 直至与内膜的关系 达到一个缓和状态。

10. So we have this thick uterine lining and now it's got to come out, and how do you stop bleeding?

译文:所以我们有了 这层厚厚的内膜, 它现在需要被排出体外, 但是你是如何停止流血的。

11. But if Foreman's right about it being bacterial endocarditis and we--

译文:但如果Foreman说的感染性心内膜炎 才是对的。

12. Women over 21 can undergo a regular pap smear, where a sample of tissue is gently sed from the lining of the cervix to test for abnormal cells.

译文:21 岁以上的女性可以 接受常规宫颈抹片检查, 从宫颈内膜轻轻刮取组织样本, 以检测异常细胞。

13. Because with estrus, the final signaling to get the lining of the uterus ready actually comes from the embryo.

译文:因为在期, 让内膜做好 受孕准备的最终信号 实际上是来自胚胎。

14. it's bacterial endocarditis, an infected valve. We should do blood cultures.

译文:应该是感染性心内膜炎瓣膜感染 我们应该做血液细菌培养。

15. it also causes some changes to make the lining more hospitable for implantation.

译文:它也会改变内膜的环境, 使之更适宜于受精的植入。

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