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小脑扁桃体用英语怎么说 小脑扁桃体英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-01-04 05:59:22
  • 917

小脑扁桃体的英语是"cerebellar tonil -",在日常中也可以翻译为"  [解剖] tonsil of cerebellum",在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到21个与小脑扁桃体相关的释义和例句。


1. cerebellar tonil -

小脑扁桃体翻译为 cerebellar tonil -。

People with an injured amygdala have dampened emotional responses and so do not learn to fear new things through association.


2.   [解剖] tonsil of cerebellum

小脑扁桃体翻译为   [解剖] tonsil of cerebellum。

But the amygdala and the periaqueductal gray are ancient parts of the brain, dating back hundreds of millions of years.


3.   [解剖] Tonsilla cerebelli

小脑扁桃体翻译为   [解剖] Tonsilla cerebelli。

Acute cerebral swelling can also often produce herniation of the cerebelllar tonsils into the foramen magnum. Note the cone shape of the tonsils around the medulla in this cerebellum.


4. tonsil of cerebellum

小脑扁桃体翻译为tonsil of cerebellum。

示例:i also performed a tonsil operation.
扁桃体手术我都做过了 I aIso performed a tonsil operation.



1. Ramus tonsillae cerebelli(小脑扁桃体支)

2. tonsil of cerebellum([医] 小脑扁桃体)

3. tonsilla cerebelli([医] 小脑扁桃体)

4. amygdala(扁桃体 )

5. tonsil(扁桃体 )


cerebellar tonsillar herniation cerebellar tonsillar hernia tonsillar hernia tonsillar herniation ( 小脑扁桃体疝 )

cerebellar tonsillar branch ramustonsillaecerebelli ( 小脑扁桃体支 解剖 )

Chiari malformation Cerebella tonsil herniation ( 小脑扁桃体下疝 )

tonsillar ectopia ( 小脑扁桃体脱垂 )


1. The new brain is easier than the old brain.


2. She actually said that getting your adenoids out is no big deal.

译文:她还说... 切除扁桃体又不是什么大事。

3. He said that my adenoids have to come out.


4. The tonsils are the two lumps in the back of your throat.

译文:扁桃体是 在你喉咙后面的两个肿块。

5. Sister Abernathy is singing three times as loud as you and she just had her tonsils out, sugar.

译文:阿博尼丝修女比你唱得要想得多 而且她刚刚切除了扁桃体 亲爱的。

6. My amygdala, which is the emotional center of my brain, has hijacked my prefrontal cortex, which is the rational side.

译文:因为我大脑的情绪中心 即扁桃体 控制了负责理性思考的前额皮层。

7. They can be removed surgically, and that's called a tonsillectomy.

译文:它们可以通过手术切除, 即扁桃体切除手术。

8. "Tonsillectomy in childhood."


9. Once when Tiffany was ten years old, she had her tonsils taken out.


10. Give me guess , Poloshon , you also tonsils and you also take sick leave ?

译文:先让我猜猜,波罗逊, 你因为扁桃体的病症而过来请求离开。

11. - Neil, can i see your tonsils?


12. From him my ... Stick my tonsils.


13. As anyone who's ever had their tonsils out can tell you, surgery isn't cheap.

译文:做过扁桃体切除术的人都知道 做手术不便宜。

14. i lost my tonsils. Does that mean i qualify?


15. Aww, wook at wittle Waymond, all upset, 'cause they're gonna take his little adenoids out.

译文:哦,看看小雷蒙德... 多紧张啊, 就因为他们要把他的扁桃体切掉。

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