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钨酸钠用英语怎么说 钨酸钠的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-02-03 04:55:53
  • 288

钨酸钠的英语为"  [无化] sodium tungstate",还网络中常译为"sodium tungstate -",在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到95个与钨酸钠相关的译文和例句。


1.   [无化] sodium tungstate

钨酸钠翻译为   [无化] sodium tungstate。

A novel ion exchange process had been developed for treating high concentration of sodium tungstate solution.


2. sodium tungstate -

钨酸钠翻译为 sodium tungstate -。

Tungstocobalt heteropoly salts were synthesized using sodium tungstate and cobalt nitrate as materials.


3.   Tungstate

钨酸钠翻译为   Tungstate。

Study is made of the vanadium extraction from sodium tungstate solution leached out of the secondary tungsten resource.


4. sodium tungstate -

钨酸钠翻译为 sodium tungstate -。

示例:- Sodium chloride suspension,
- 氯化钠悬胶液



1. sodium tungstate([化] 钨酸钠\n[医] 钨酸钠)

2. sodium wolframate([化] 钨酸钠\n[医] 钨酸钠)

3. natrium wolframicum([医] 钨酸钠)

4. sodium heptatungstate(七钨酸钠)

5. sodium metatungstate(偏钨酸钠)


sodium phosphowolfram ( 磷钨酸钠 )

Sodium tungstate dihydrate ( 钨酸钠二水合物 )

sodium polytungstate ( 聚钨酸钠 )

sodium paratungstate ( 仲钨酸钠 )

sodium tungstate solution ( 钨酸钠溶液 )

sodium silicotungstate sodium 12-silicotungstate ( 硅钨酸钠 )

Sodium tungstate dihydrate ( 正钨酸钠 )


1. if you then add sodium nitrate and sawdust, you got dynamite.

译文:再加上 以及少量木屑,就可以做成。

2. The chemical symbol for tungsten isn't Tu, as you might expect, it's W, from the German Wolframite.

译文:钨的化学符号不是你想的Tu 而是德语Wolframite(黑钨矿)的W。

3. ARABiGA Goma, ANS, CARTAGENiNA Sodium phosphate, aspartame, acesulfame-K ...

译文:磷酸钠 阿斯巴甜 安赛蜜... ...。

4. He'll get it from Max in exchange for the tungsten.


5. Along with rosin powder, we found sodium carbonate, sulfur dioxide, lye, and olive oil in the wounds.

译文:除了树脂粉 伤口中还发现了碳酸钠 二氧化硫 碱液 以及橄榄油。

6. Another group of ingredients in smartphones comes with similar environmental risks: these are metals such as copper, silver, palladium, aluminum, platinum, tungsten, tin, lead, and gold.

译文:用来生产手机的另一组原料 也会带来相似的环境问题: 这些金属包括铜、 银、 钯、 铝、 铂、 钨、 锡、 铅、 以及金。

7. He tried crystals of calcite, sodium carbonate, calcium sulfate, and still, he saw nothing.

译文:他测试了方解石晶体 He tried crystals of calcite, 碳酸钠 sodium carbonate, 硫酸钙 calcium sulfate。

8. The response to a bad idea -- like, say, a tungsten light bulb -- is a better idea. OK?

译文:而是对此反应 就像这个钨灯泡的例子, 它会变成一个好主意,对吧。

9. Glutamic Acid, Sodium caseinate ...

译文:谷氨酸 酪蛋白酸钠...。

10. The response to a bad idea -- like, say, a tungsten lightbulb -- is a better idea.

译文:而是对此反应 就像这个钨灯泡的例子, 它会变成一个好主意,对吧。

11. Taken together, they're tungsten... chlorine... argon... and potassium.

译文:把它们放在一起 钨... 氯 氩。

12. Re-creating the lighting condition was a pain.

译文:最痛苦的是重建光照效果 这是钨与真实光线的混合 Re -creating the lighting was a pain.。

13. The last question... was whether to use Biz or Clorox... to get the grass stains out of Lucy's soccer uniform.

译文:现在的问题是... ... 是用漂还是次氯酸钠...。

14. Sodium bicarbonate and eppy.


15. - Crunched-up E's. - Clorox.


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