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丑声远播用英语怎么说 丑声远播英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-03-12 00:55:32
  • 132

丑声远播用英语翻译为"peal of bells",在《学生实用英汉双解大词典》中,共找到59个与丑声远播相关的短语翻译和用法。


1. peal of bells

丑声远播翻译为peal of bells。

示例:Based on -- parts of it are based on an algorithm that Danny Hillis developed, so that a peal of 10 bells makes a different peal every day for 10,000 years.
其中一部分是根据Danny Hillis开创的算法制作的 十个铃组成一串 万年钟在一万年的光阴里每天都可以发出不一样的系列钟声



1. peal of bells( 钟声远播)


1. it would help your reputation, should some outbreak need putting down to show Rome she has a man of action.

译文:为了你能声名远播 一下。

2. And ever since i can remember it, Jesse James has been as big as a tree.

译文:我有印象以来 杰西詹姆士就声名远播。

3. Tonight, this charity banquet is held by the notorious business ty,

译文:今天这个筹款晚会 是由一向臭名远播 负评如潮的超级富豪。

4. The world was divided by a cold war, and the Berlin Wall was the most hated symbol of that divide.

译文:冷战了世界 柏林围墙是最臭名远播的标志。

5. "The Toast from the Coast" from Atlanta, Georgia, the "Fabulous Freebirds!"

译文:他是精英中的精英 他是比特佳... 盛名远播的。

6. No, no. i'm delighted that my reputation precedes me.

译文:没事,没事 我很高兴我的声名远播。

7. He was going to visit the most notorious house of shame.


8. Snow would rather see her dead than with him.

译文:与其后来艳名远播闹得满城风雨 还不如当时死了的好。

9. You, Duilio, and Cicala raised such a stink as partisans, and then... -


10. it was a famous river once.


11. But long ago she threw it in gear

译文:在很久之前 她便名声远播。

12. We are distant travelers who have heard of your amazing proclivities both far and wide, and...

译文:我们远道而来 久闻大侠天资聪颖 您威名远播...。

13. - Sure, you Winchester boys are famous.

译文:- 当然 你们Winchester兄弟声名远播。

14. - Right. The Beast's first mystery is its fame.

译文:是的,侯爵,“怪兽”第一点让人 疑窦的是它的恶名远播。

15. i am an imperial Agent, i am famous


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