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划水用英语怎么说 划水的英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-10-30 06:15:38
  • 134

划水的英语是"  arm pull",还网络中常译为"  water skiing",在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到11个与划水相关的译文和例句。


1.   arm pull

划水翻译为   arm pull。

One was stroking, and the other was gliding.


2.   water skiing

划水翻译为   water skiing。

Looking side-on, Mason measures the distance between strokes.


3.   paddle

划水翻译为   paddle。

Swimmers paddle in the clear surf of Sydney's Freshwater Beach.


4.   stroke

划水翻译为   stroke。

示例:Hey, yo! Stroke is about to get the doc.
Stroke is about to get the doc.



1. paddle work(划水板练习)

2. planning level(规划水平)

3. wakf( 划水路线)

4. uncertain planning horizon(不确定计划水平)

5. zigzag pull(锯齿形划水路线,小)


Fish tails in brown sauce ( 红烧划水 )

straight arm stroke straight arm pull pull with a straight arm straight elbow pull ( 直臂划水 )

bent arm pull bent elbow pull bent arm stroke ( 屈臂划水 )

arm cycle arch cycle ( 划水周期 )

dropped elbow pull ( 沉肘划水 )

paddle aquaplane ( 划水板 )

alternate arm action alternate arm stroke ( 两臂交替划水 )

xwakeboard ( 极限划水 )


1. Make the payments, tread the water day by day,

译文:缴交贷款 鸭子划水日复一日。

2. So a Row-bot is a robot that rows.

译文:所以划水机器人是个 会划水的机器人。

3. Well, when the Row-bot has done its digestion, when it's taken the food in, it will sit there and it will wait until it has consumed all that food.

译文:划水机器人消化完食物之后, 当它吃进食物后, 就会坐在那里, 一直等到食物消化完。

Mickey, but unless i've missed something here... you've just led us up creek and forgot to pack the paddles.

译文:除非我错过了点什么... 却忘记带划水的浆。

5. How about you take a sweet, luscious run right about now?


6. Not a peep about a plot to waterboard.


7. The Row-bot is made up of three parts, and those three parts are really like the parts of any organism.

译文:划水机器人由三个部分组成, 就像任何生物的组成部分。

8. They just punch through the water...

译文:他们努力划水 不停被水流冲击 {\3cH202020}They just punch through the water。

9. Because these Row-bots at the moment, this Row-bot i've got here, it contains motors, it contains wires, it contains components which themselves are not biodegradable.

译文:因为目前这些划水机器人 和我这里的这只划水机器人, 里面有马达、电线, 有自己不能生物降解的组件。

10. is a big sea lf you need my hand to swim.


11. So i've got the Row-bot here.


12. Remember... you're displacing too much water.

译文:记住... Remember... ...你要用力划水 ...you're displacing too much water.。

13. Any Row-bot will have those three components, and any organism will have those three components, so let's go through them one at a time.

译文:所有划水机器人都有这三部分, 就像任何生物都有这三部分一样。我们一个个来看。

14. We hit any strong water, instead of bare-assing through it...

译文:要是划水的时候发觉水的抗力很强 而不是轻而易举。

15. A typical cycle for the Row-bot looks like this: you open your mouth, you move, you close your mouth and you sit there for a while waiting.

译文:划水机器人典型的工作周期 是这样的: 张开嘴, 移动, 合上嘴, 坐在那里等。

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