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任重道远用英语怎么说 任重道远英语翻译

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-11-16 05:27:21
  • 87

任重道远的英语有两种说法,可以翻译为  arduous task,还网络中常译为"  dfnygs",在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到94个与任重道远相关的短语释义和例句。


1.   arduous task

任重道远翻译为   arduous task。

We should not lose sight of the fact that the situation remains severe and we have a daunting task in front of us.


2.   dfnygs

任重道远翻译为   dfnygs。

Regrettably, Indonesia still seems a fair way off from striking it.


3. shoulder heavy responsibilities

任重道远翻译为shoulder heavy responsibilities。

Thus the eventual withdrawal of American soldiers from the country will be a complicated task.


4.   Long way to go

任重道远翻译为   Long way to go。

示例:You've got a long way to go.
还要转很久呢 接着转 You've got a long way to go.



1. mountain to climb( 任重道远)


much to do and a long way to go Long way to go Motorcycle Information ( 任重而道远 )

Automatic Identification Technology & Application ( 刷卡消费任重道远 )

Hubei Electric Power ( 依法治企任重道远 )

Hubei Electric Power ( 湖北工业节能任重道远 )

Pioneering With Science and Technology ( 孵化器建设任重道远 )

Natural Disaster Reduction in China ( 科技减灾任重而道远 )

Early Education ( 幼教工作者任重而道远 )


1. We need Brody in the public eye... reminding America that this is far from over.

译文:我们需要Brody公众面前多曝光 来警示美国民众反恐事业还任重道远。

2. America's epidemic is far bigger than that, but when a medication is responsible for tens of thousands of deaths a year, reckless management of that medication is indefensible.

译文:美国的流行病治疗任重道远, 但当一类药物要为每年 几万生灵的逝去负责时, 对用药的鲁莽处理就十分不可取。

3. it's tough being a stepmother


4. And it's not gonna be any easier.


5. There are a lot of things we have to do.


6. (Laughter) And it's going to go a long way, i can see.

译文:(观众笑声) 我也知道灭蚊之路仍然任重道远。

7. And actually, although we've got a long way to go and a lot of work to do, i can see the day where my two great passions -- cars and the environment -- actually come into harmony.

译文:事实上,尽管我们的工作 任重道远 我依然能够预见到我热衷的两项事业-- 汽车和环境-- 和谐发展的一天。

8. Anna, your father has entrusted me with your well-being, and i take that role very seriously.

译文:安娜,你父亲把你托付给我 我自觉任重道远。

9. Of course, child mortality first and then family planning -- everyone needs family planning service -- it's underutilized.


10. But all that said, we have a lot of heavy lifting to still do ahead of us.

译文:这些年研究的结果就是, 关于治疗癌症我们依然任重道远。

11. Let's make it obvious: Peron is off and rolling.

译文:贝隆也会任重道远 马不停蹄。

12. And actually, although we've got a long way to go and a lot of work to do, i can see the day where my two great passions -- cars and the environment -- actually come into harmony.

译文:事实上,尽管我们的工作 任重道远 我依然能够预见到我热衷的两项事业-- 汽车和环境-- 和谐发展的一天。

13. Promoting our Wushu is a big responsibility

译文:发扬本门武功 任重道远。

14. We need Brody in the public eye reminding America that this is far from over.

译文:依然逍遥法外 我们需要Brody在公众面前曝光 提醒美国 反恐事业任重道远。

15. Of course, child mortality first and then family planning -- everyone needs family planning service -- it's underutilized.


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