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分手英语句子说说心情 15个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-01-02 14:43:31
  • 68

1. I never thought this would happen, but we have to break up. 我从未想过这会发生,们不得不分手。

2. It hurts to say goodbye, but it's for the best. 说再见很痛苦,但这是最好的选择。

3. We just weren't meant to be together. 我们注定不能在一起。

4. The love is gone and it's time to move on. 爱情已经不在了,是时候继续前进了。

5. I wish things had turned out differently, but they didn't. 我希望事情能有所不同,但结果并非如此。

7. We've grown apart and it's time to acknowledge that. 我们已经疏远了,是时候承认了。

8. I still care about you, but we're just not compatible. 我仍然关心你,们不兼容。

9. We've tried everything we can, but it's time to let go. 我们已经尽了一切努力,但是是时候放手了。

10. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors. 我祝你在未来的努力中一切顺利。

11. It's hard to let go of someone you love, but sometimes it's necessary. 放下自己所爱的人很难,但有时必要。

12. We have different priorities and goals in life, and that's okay. 我们在生活中有不同的优先事项和目标,这很正常。

13. The love is gone and we both know it. 爱情已经不在了,我们都知道。

14. I don't want to hold you back from finding happiness. 我不想束缚你寻找幸福。

15. It's better to end things now than to drag them out and make things worse. 现在结束比拖延和让事情变得更糟糕要好。

16. We've grown in different directions and it's time to accept that. 我们已经发展到不同的方向,是时候接受了。

17. I'll always cherish the memories we shared together. 我会永远珍惜我们一起创造的回忆。

18. We both deserve to be with someone who makes us happy. 我们都值得和一个让我们快乐的人在一起。

19. It's not easy to let go, but it's necessary for our own happiness. 放手并不容易,但这对我们自己的幸福是必要的。

20. We'll both be okay, even if it doesn't feel like it right now. 即使现在感觉不是这样,我们都会好起来的。

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