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节约用水英语句子 14个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2024-03-15 11:45:36
  • 207

1. Turn off the tap while you brush your teeth. (刷牙时关掉水龙头。)

2. Use a low-flow showerhead to save water. (使用低流量淋浴头来节约用水。)

3. Fix any leaks in your home. (修复家里的任何漏水现象。)

4. Only run the dishwasher and washing machine when they are full. (只有在满载的情况下才运行洗碗机和洗衣机。)

5. Water your plants in the morning or evening to avoid evaporation. (在早晨或傍晚浇水,以避免蒸发。)

6. Use a broom instead of a hose to clean your driveway, sidewalk, or patio. (用扫把而不是水管清洗车道、人行道或露台。)

7. Collect rainwater in a barrel to use for watering plants or washing your car. (收集雨水用于浇水或洗车。)

8. Don’t let the water run while washing dishes. (不要一边洗碗一边让水流。)

9. Use a pool cover to prevent evaporation and reduce the need for refilling. (使用游泳池遮盖物来防止蒸发,并减少加水次数。)

10. Avoid flushing the toilet unnecessarily. (避免不必要地冲马桶。)

11. Use a spray nozzle on your hose to control water flow. (使用喷雾喷嘴控制水流。)

12. Don’t overwater your lawn or garden. (不要过度浇水草坪或花园。)

13. Use a rain sensor to prevent your sprinklers from running when it’s raining. (使用雨水传感器防止喷水器在雨天运行。)

14. Use a cup to rinse your razor instead of letting the water run. (使用杯子冲洗剃须刀,而不是让水流。)

15. Use a bucket to wash your car instead of a hose. (使用桶洗车,而不是用水管。)

16. Instill water-saving habits in your children by teaching them to turn off the tap when they’re done using water. (通过教孩子们使用完水后关掉水龙头,培养节约用水的习惯。)

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