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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-11-20 01:15:31
  • 599

关于”旅游日记“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Travel Diary。以下是关于旅游日记的初一英语模板,每篇作文均为高分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Travel Diary

On the morning of August 6, we all set out for the beach, and we took a lot of pictures on the way. At noon we arrived at the hotel. After lunch there, we went to the beach.

We spent the whole afternoon lying on the beach, swimming on the way back to the hotel, and on rainy nights, we went shopping for presents. We all stayed in the hotel and played billiards. I had a good time traveling today.





My trip to the Great Wall is sunny in July on Sunday. I want to travel very much. It is said that travel is a kind of enjoyable enjoyment.

It makes our life colorful and meaningful. At the same time, it can also broaden people's knowledge and vision. I like traveling very much.

So I went to some places I have been longing for for to spend the summer vacation. My parents decided to go to the Great Wall for a trip, and I also went there. When we got to our destination, I couldn't wait to jump out of my seat.

As I climbed to the top of the Great Wall, I was attracted by the continuous mountains and the winding walls. I saw a sign saying that the people who did not climb the great wall were not real people. There are dense trees on both sides of the Great Wall, so the air we breathe is very fresh.

we took many photos. Generally speaking, we can relax ourselves and enjoy the beauty of nature.

We can broaden our horizons and make friends with people from different countries and skin colors. So, if we have enough money and have free time, travel will be good for us It's useful.





Travel Diary

Day 1

Today I embarked on an exciting journey to the countryside. The weather was perfect with clear blue skies and a gentle breeze. Upon arrival I was greeted by breathtaking landscapes filled with lush green fields and picturesque mountains. The tranquility of nature instantly rejuvenated my soul.



Day 2

Waking up to the chirping of birds I embarked on a hiking adventure in the nearby forest. The forest was filled with tall majestic trees and the air was filled with the sweet fragrance of flowers. It was a feast for the senses. As I walked through the forest I was in awe of the beauty of nature. I stumbled upon a hidden watell its cascading water creating a soothing melody. I couldn't resist the temptation and took a refreshing dip in the crystal-clear water.



Day 3

Today I visited a local village to learn about the traditional culture and way of life. I was warmly welcomed by the villagers who shared stories of their ancestors and taught me traditional crafts. I tried my hand at pottery- and was amazed by the villagers' skill and precision. In the evening we gathered around a bonfire and enjoyed traditional folk songs and dances. It was a memorable experience immersing myself in the rich cultural heritage of the village.



Day 4

On my last day I decided to explore the local cuisine. I visited a bustling market and tried various delicacies. The flavors were exquisite and unique giving me a taste of the region's culinary diversity. I also purchased some local specialties as souvenirs to bring back home. As I bid farewell to the countryside I felt grateful for the amazing experiences and memories I had created during this trip. It was a journey that brought me closer to nature and allowed me to embrace different cultures.













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