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  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-11-13 15:44:00
  • 138



When I look into your eyes, I can see a kind of love restraint, but my dear, when I hug you, you don't know that I have the same feeling, because nothing is eternal, we all know that the heart can be changed, it is difficult to hold a candle, in the cold November rain, we have experienced such a long time, just want to eliminate the pain, but the lover always comes, the lover always walks, No one is really sure who will let go today. If we can take the time to put it on the rope, I can rest my head, only know you are mine, all, so if you want to love me, then darling, don't restrain, otherwise I will have to go. In the cold November rain, do you need some time to be alone? Everyone needs some time to be alone.

You don't know you need some time to be alone. I know it's hard to keep an open heart when friends seem to be hurting you. But if you can heal a broken heart, isn't it time to attract you? Sometimes I need some time.

Sometimes I need some time. I need some time alone. I need some time alone When your fear dissipates, your performance still exists.

I know you can love me when no one can blame. So forget the darkness, we can still find a way, because nothing is eternal, even in the cold November rain, don't you think you need someone you don't need? You think you need someone you don't need. You don't think you need someone you don't need.




In the quiet meadow dotted with wildflowers a gentle breeze rustles through the tall grass. The golden sunlight spills over the landscape casting a soft glow on everything it touches. It feels as if time has stood still as if this moment is suspended in eternity.

As I walk through this serene scene I can't help but marvel at the beauty of nature. The vibrant colors of the flowers seem to dance with joy while the song of the birds fills the air with a melody that soothes the soul. The air is filled with a sweet fragrance a symphony of scents that intoxicate the senses.

In this peaceful place I find solace from the chaos of the world. It's a sanctuary where worries fade away and I can simply be present in the moment. Surrounded by nature's splendor I feel a profound connection to something greater than myself.

The meadow is a canvas and I am an observer of its beauty. I watch as the sun sets casting a warm orange glow on the horizon. The colors blend and merge creating a breathtaking masterpiece that reminds me of the fleeting nature of life. Like the setting sun everything in life is impermanent but that doesn't diminish its beauty.

As darkness falls the stars begin to le in the night sky. They shine with a brilliance that reminds me of the potential within each one of us. Just as the stars illuminate the night we too have the power to bring light into the world.

Lost in this reverie I realize that beauty is not limited to the external world. It resides within us waiting to be discovered and shared. It's in the laughter of loved ones the kindness of strangers and the moments of connection that make life meaningful.

In this meadow of beauty and tranquility I find myself renewed. I am reminded to cherish every moment to embrace the beauty around me and to be grateful for the simple joys that make life worth living.









As an outstanding student I have always enjoyed expressing my thoughts and feelings in English which I find to be a beautiful language. There is something about the sound and rhythm of English words that captivates me.


English has a vast vocabulary that allows me to choose the perfect word to convey my meaning. There are also many idioms and expressions that add depth and nuance to my writing. When I write in English I feel as though I am painting a picture with words and the result is often an exquisite work of art.


In addition to the beauty of the language itself English literature is also full of exquisite works of art. From the poetry of William Shakespeare to the novels of Jane Austen there is a wealth of literature in English that is rich in imagery and emotion. Reading and studying English literature has been a joy for me and has enriched my appreciation of the language.


In conclusion English is a truly beautiful language that has enriched my life in many ways. Its expressive power and rich literary tradition make it a joy to use and study. I am proud to be fluent in English and look forward to continuing to explore its beauty and depth in the years to come.


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