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英语作文定语从句万能句子 10个

  • 作者: 用户投稿
  • 2023-04-14 11:30:29
  • 60

1. The man who I met yesterday is my new boss.(昨天我遇到的那个人是我的新老板。)

2. The book that I am reading is very interesting.(我正在读的这本书非常有趣。)

3. The hotel where we stayed last night was very comfortable.(我们昨晚住的酒店非常舒适。)

4. The music that she listens to is very different from what I like.(她听的音乐和我喜欢的非常不同。)

5. The teacher who taught me English is from England.(教我英语的老师来自英格兰。)

6. The movie that I saw last night was really scary.(我昨晚看的电影真的很恐怖。)

7. The restaurant where we had lunch was very busy.(我们吃午餐的餐厅非常忙。)

8. The person who I am going to meet is my old friend.(我要见的人是我的老朋友。)

9. The car that he drives is very expensive.(他开的车非常贵。)

10. The city where I grew up is very small.(我成长的城市非常小。)

11. The girl who won the prize is my sister.(赢得奖项的那个女孩是我妹妹。)

12. The book that I lent to him is very important to me.(我借给他的那本书对我非常重要。)

13. The house where they live is very big.(他们住的房子非常大。)

14. The teacher who I admire the most is my mom.(我最崇拜的老师是我妈妈。)

15. The city that I want to visit the most is Paris.(我最想去的城市是巴黎。)

16. The company where I work is very successful.(我工作的公司非常成功。)

17. The dress that she is wearing is very pretty.(她穿的裙子非常漂亮。)

18. The boy who won the race is very fast.(赢得比赛的那个男孩非常快。)

19. The book that I am looking for is on the shelf.(我正在找的那本书在书架上。)

20. The hotel where we are staying has a great view.(我们正在住的酒店有一个非常好的视野。)

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